Romeo- Chapter 10

Juliet collapsed into her seat as Jordan Knight walked off the stage. ‘How could I have done that? I am letting myself get too attracted to him. After tomorrow, I will never see him again. What am I going to do?’ Juliet groaned inwardly as her head pounded with worries and regrets.
“Something the matter?” Steven asked as he approached her from the other side of the gate. Juliet slowly looked up at him with worried eyes. Her hands covered her face as she leaned down and put her head in her hands. “Are you gonna be sick?” Steven quickly looked around for the nearest bathroom as he watched the distressed girl.
“I will be sick if you don’t put that damn camera away for two seconds so that I can talk to you!” Juliet shouted from underneath her hands. Steven smiled as he shut the camera off and placed it on the stage. “Here” he said as he reached across the fence to help Juliet climb over. “Now what’s wrong?” Steve cautiously asked as Juliet sat down on the ground. “Let me guess....It has to do with a curly haired teen idol that we both know!” He smirked as Juliet eyed him carefully. “ can stop while you are ahead. Well, I went to see him again in the wardrobe trailer. And we began joking around because when I walked in-”
“OH MY GOD! You are Steven! Joey’s brother! Oh My God! Can I have your autograph? Is that your girlfriend down there? My friend said that she just saw you two holding hands.” Juliet looked up as she was interrupted by a loud twelve year old N SYNC fanatic. Her eyes nearly fell out of her head as she heard the part about her and Steven holding hands. Steve shook his head in disbelief as he looked down at Juliet with amusement on his face.
“No, I was just helping her-”
“NO!” a second voice shouted as Juliet stood up. “That is not Steve’s girlfriend. That’s Justin’s girlfriend. We saw them holding hands when he came out of the hotel this morning. You are so lucky! Is Justin a good kisser?!”
Juliet rolled her eyes as Steven covered up his laughter by coughing up a storm. ‘I wish I knew’ she thought as she attempted to smile at the two girls. “No. I am not dating either of them...I...I” Juliet struggled to think of an excuse as she nervously piled her hair on top of her head. her eyes pleaded with Steven to help her out.
“She’s my cousin,” Steve supplied as he pulled Juliet backstage as more girls came running over. He led Juliet to a chair as she giggled in disbelief. “Finish with your story...what happened?”
Juliet looked up abruptly and regained control of herself. “ we were joking around because when I walked into the trailer he was lounging around wearing nothing but his pants, so I was drooling like a puppy and he was loving’ it. So I said that there was no way that I was looking at him because I was not attracted to him....and well OF COURSE I was lying,” Steven smiled as he heard the babbling girl admit it. He watched as she squirmed uncomfortably when she came to the end of the story. “And he was like oh so if your not attracted to me then you wouldn’t care if I began to kiss you. And he had me up against the wall and he was kissing me all over my neck. And when we were just about to kiss YOUR IDIOT BROTHER AND HIS STUPID FRIENDS CAME BARGING IN!! So I decided to leave so that I could be alone to think about what happened, and then Justin came over and was like Next Time, but there won’t be a next time because he is leaving tomorrow. And I can’t let myself get too attached to him because I will never see him again. What am I going to do?” Juliet threw her hands in the air as she shrieked in frustration. She watched as Steven looked at her and smiled. ‘I know something you don’t know’ he sang inside his head as he grinned at the confused girl.
“Juliet...don’t worry about it. You can write to him and call him, so it’s not like you will never hear from him again. And I don’t know why you even tried to hide the fact that you are completely infatuated with him and his hot bod,” Juliet stuck her tongue out at him as he continued, “because it is completely obvious to me and the rest of the and Justin want each other. So seize the moment and do whatever feels right. Enjoy your time and make the best of it.” He finished and turned away from Juliet to hide the smile that was spreading across his face. Juliet groaned.
“I forgot. You’re a guy. You wouldn’t understand,” Juliet stated as she left in a huff to return to her seat. Steven watched as she angrily took her hair down and climbed over the fence. ‘She is gonna be seeing a lot more of Justin than she thinks she is’ he thought as he recalled the conversation that ‘N SYNC had had with the tour manager and Johnny Wright. Steve quickly made his way back to his camera as the lights dimmed for ‘N SYNC.
Juliet stood from her seat as the crowd screamed for the five guys bouncing around the stage. She couldn’t help but laugh as the ran around like maniacs. It was fun to watch them in action. Juliet had long lost count of all the kisses and winks that Joey had thrown in her direction. They were all amazing on stage The energy that they gave off was mind blowing. But no one fascinated her more than Justin. Juliet was mesmerized as he spinning, kicked, jumped, and danced flawlessly. His body moved smoothly to the beat and he was always in rhythm. She watched as he opened his mouth and began to sing. Juliet loved the way he closed his eyes and concentrated on getting every note and lyric perfect. The harmonies, the music, the dancing. It was perfect. She smiled and winked at Lance as he took center stage to introduce the next song.
“...God Must Have Spent A Little More Time on Them..” Juliet groaned at the play on words as the opening notes came on. As she took in the smiling faces around her, she laughed softly and watched the tears stream down the younger girls faces.
“A little more time...” Juliet laughed as Justin pretended to forget the rest of the song. Her violet eyes sparkled with amusement as she leaned on the fence in front of the stage. Joey winked at her as he walked over to Chris and whispered in his ear. ‘And chalk it up to a million and one winks. No, that is not a nervous twitch in or lovely Italian Stallion’s eye, he is just getting his groove on’ Juliet thought to herself as Chris approached the confused lead signer.
“OK...Maybe you can remember the song if you have some inspiration. Well, I see a lovely young lady right over here,” Chris pointed at Juliet as Justin stroked his chin thoughtfully. “Why don’t we ask her to help us out?” Chris watched as Juliet’s mouth dropped. Her eyes widened as a bodyguard pulled her onto the stage. ‘I can’t believe 30,000 people are going to be looking at me right now’ her mind repeated over and over again as she sat on the edge of the stage.
“What’s your name, little girl?” Chris asked as his eyes twinkled with humor. ‘I’ll show him’ Juliet smiled sweetly as she gritted her teeth.
“Ingrid Hinklebogger. But you can call me Juliet for short. Only you can grandpa.” She answered as she stared up at the laughing man.
“Well, could you tell Justin to finish the song? He is having trouble...maybe you can help him out.” Juliet smiled as Justin sat down next to her on the edge of the stage. His blue eyes twinkled as he took her hand and put on a puppy dog face. “Please can you help me here?” he begged as Juliet grinned at him.
“I don’t know. Do you think I should help him?” Juliet turned to the crowd and laughed as girls screamed with impatience. “Can you please finish the song? It goes ‘God Must Have Spent A Little More Time....ON YOU. Sound familiar?” She squeezed his hand and gazed adoringly into his eyes as the crowd went wild. Justin smacked his forehead.
“Now I remember....where was I? A little more time....” he pointed at Juliet as he finished the song. “On you.” Juliet clapped as Justin laughed and put his arms around her. ‘This feels so right’ he decided as she leaned her head against his strong chest. Her body fit perfectly with his as he pulled her closer to her. Juliet quickly kissed him on the cheek and slid off the edge of the stage. Her heart was beating like a drum as she tried desperately to calm herself. He astounded her in every way and she loved to heat him sing. Deep down she knew that she should not let herself get carried away because her time with him was soon coming to an end. If she let them get too close, it would be too hard to say good bye. Heart break and painful good-byes were not number one on her list. She quickly pushed the thoughts from her head as she sat back to enjoy the rest of the show.
*** “Let’s go!” Steven shouted as he pulled Juliet over the fence.
“Wait!” Juliet shouted as her foot hit the edge of the fence. “umph” she muttered as she landed hard on her butt. Juliet narrowed her eyes and glared up at Steve as he laughed at the disgruntled girl. He leaned down and threw Juliet over his shoulder.
“Put me down!” she shrieked as Steven began to run for the bus.
“Are you crazy?! We gotta get outta here now! We’ll never make it into the hotel if we don’t beat the fans there!” Steve explained as Juliet pouted. Steve jumped on the bus and the driver began to pull away. Juliet climbed off of Steve’s back and sprawled out in the middle of the floor.
“well, well, well....look what the cat dragged in. We were looking for you INGRID. Justin wouldn’t shut the hell up about how he talked John-” Justin clamped his hand over Chris’ mouth as he smiled at Juliet. Chris puled Justin’s hand of his mouth and picked up a towel from the table. “Kids these days,” he muttered as he walked towards the front of the bus.
“We’re here! Get off your lazy asses and let’s get out of here!” Joey shouted as security led the guys to the hotel entrance. Luckily only a few fans were lingering outside. When they all finally reached the hotel room, Juliet glanced at the clock over the mantel. She gasped and quickly ran around the room. Steve, Justin, and Chris glanced at each other in amusement.
“Looking for something? What’s wrong?” Chris asked the frantic girl. He followed her into the bedroom as she dove for the phone. It clattered off the night stand and Juliet scrambled to the floor to pick it up.
“It’s eleven o’clock and I have to call my mom! She probably called the police looking for me! I was supposed to call right before you guys went onstage!” Juliet quickly dialed her mother’s room number as she paced back and forth. “Hi mom...yeah uh uh...sorry I forgot...yeah....well I can come back now..” Justin cleared his throat as he reached for the phone. Juliet frowned and gave him a Look, but handed him the phone as he tapped his foot impatiently.
“Hi..this is Justin..well I was wondering if Juliet could just stay here tonight...” Juliet stared at him in shock as he convinced her mother to let her spend the night. ‘I can’t stay is going to be too hard to say good bye way there is no way that I am staying here tonight...okay maybe I can compromise” she changed her mind as Justin placed the phone between his ear and shoulder and began to massage Juliet’s shoulders. Juliet closed her eyes and smiled as she relaxed.
“Yeah..make sure everything is ready. Okay. Bye bye.” Justin finished as he set down the phone and pulled Juliet’s head into his lap. “ need to relax. Calm down.” He smiled as Juliet rolled her beautiful eyes at him. Justin got a kick out of frustrating her. ‘She’s so cute when some one teases her’ he thought. Whenever he was around her, a new energy filled his body. He felt as though he could do anything he wanted if she was near him. Everything about her was inciting, and he wanted to learn more about her. Justin wanted to hold her and never let her go.
Juliet was losing control again. She could feel her heart race as Justin studied her with his glowing eyes. It felt as though he could see into her soul and discover her darkest secrets. Not that she wouldn’t tell him if he asked. Juliet sat up before she quickly lost herself in his gaze. She reached over to turn on he clock radio. As a song came on, she jumped up and began dancing around the suite. “New kids on the block...hmm hmm hmm....color purple and macaroni and cheese....ruby red slippers and a bunch of trees.” Justin laughed as the rest of the guys raised their eyebrows at the energetic girl. All eyes were on Juliet as she boogied her way into JC’s room. “JC give me some pajamas to wear. You sleep in the nude? Oh that’s too bad I’ll just take this T-shirt and shorts right over here!” Juliet giggled as JC pushed her out of the room and into the bathroom.
“Hey, you..” Justin softly said as he approached Juliet on the balcony. His heart skipped a beat as Juliet turned to face him. He gasped as the moonlight glistened on her face, revealing her tear stained cheeks. She sniffled and quickly stood and threw herself into his arms. Justin smoothed her hair and held her tightly.
“Justin....I can’t stay here tonight...what am I going to do tomorrow? You’re leaving and....what will I do? I won’t see you any more. And I know that there is SOMETHING here and I can’t just ignore it but I am going to have to because it is going to hurt so much when I say goodbye. How can you just be so calm why aren’t you upset....typical male. Never cares about any-” Juliet stopped short as Justin placed a finger on her lips and motioned for her to listen. She smiled shakily as she heard soft strands of music coming from inside the hotel room. Justin titled her head down as he began to sing.
“Lady in red..Is dancing with me” he sang softly as Juliet realized that she was clothed in JC’s red Abercrombie shirt and red shorts. Justin smiled, and held her in his arms as they began to slowly sway to the music. He felt the warmth from her body seeping through her clothing as he rested his chin on top of her head. She was intoxicating. ‘Tell her now’ his mind screamed as he thought of the surprise he had in store for the radiant girl he held in his arms.
‘What a cornball!’ Juliet thought as he continued to sing along with the radio. ‘What a sexy, sweet, loving, beautiful, innocent, caring cornball!’ She smiled as he held her closer. Her body felt as though it was on fire when it was pressed up against his. At that moment, her world consisted of nothing but Justin. It was like he was protecting her from the world and reality. As thoughts of what would happen the next morning crept into her mind, she buried her face in his chest and cried softly. ‘I can’t be without him,’ she thought desperately as he titled her head up to look into her pained eyes. It killed him to see her sad. Her beautiful eyes watered with tears as she gazed into his.
“Don’t cry,” he whispered. “I can’t stand to see you sad. Stay here with me. Don’t leave.” He watched as confusion clouded her eyes.
‘What the hell is he talking about? I am staying the night..’ Juliet wondered as Justin pleaded with her. “Huh?” she asked the angel in front of her. ‘Wow Juliet. You have such a way with words. Eloquent,’ a voice said in her head.
“Just tell me that you will stay. Tell me that you will be with me and you won’t leave. Promise me.” Justin spoke softly as he stroked her cheeks. “Promise me and you can stay.” Justin finished. ‘You could have said it better TIMBERLAKE! Jeez that wasn’t the most romantic thing...she doesn’t even understand what you are trying to say,’ his mind scolded him. He watched as Juliet studied him.
Juliet reached up and ran her fingers through his hair. “I would never leave you Justin. I wish I didn’t have to...I want to stay with you. I don’t want to leave. Not ever. I would do anything to be near you, Justin.” Her lower lip began to tremble as she looked into his loving eyes. Her body began to shake as she thought of being with out him tomorrow. She thought of how she did not get to know his dreams, his fears, his hopes. She had to have him, and now she wouldn’t.
“Done. Let’s go.” Justin watched as Juliet’s face twisted in confusion. He began to pull her back into the hotel where JC was waiting.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Juliet shouted as Justin began to lead her into the room. “Where are we going?” She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw JC holding her suitcases.
“To your house. I mean, since you are going to be touring with us for more than a month, I figured that you would need more clothes... You are a female and all. Clothes are important If we leave now, we can drive there, get your stuff, hangout, and be on an airplane way before we even have to be an Massachusetts for the soundcheck.” Justin smiled down at Juliet as she looked from him to JC.
“What?! My mom isn’t going to let me. Are you crazy? And why the hell is JC coming? My mom isn’t gonn-”
“We took care of it all.” Lance smiled at Juliet as he watched the excitement creep onto her face. “Everything is ready. You have ten minutes to be down stairs. Your family is waiting. Your mom didn’t trust you and Justin by yourselves so she advised that the oldest guy from the group go. And well, Chris acts like he is ten years old, so JC decided to go. Go now! They are all waiting for you.”
“I don’t understand. Why would you all want me to stay? I barely even know you guys. And now I am going to be with you all the time.” Juliet tried to reason with the boys, but a smile was spreading over her face as her heart screamed with happiness. ‘I am going to be with him. I can stay’ she thought as she cried with happiness. She turned to Justin and watched as his face lit up. His eyes were sparkling with joy as he picked Juliet up and looked into her eyes.
“Five minutes was long enough for me to know that I had to be with you” Justin’s voice shook as the feelings in his heart were revealed. Juliet stopped breathing as she heard the raw emotion in his voice. Steve’s advice ran through her mind as she lost herself in Justin’s eyes for the third time.... ‘Seize the moment’ her mind advised as she softly touched Justin’s lips. A wide smile spread over her lips as she leaned forward and kissed him. Justin grinned as his lips met hers. His heart soared with happiness as she ran her hands up his arms and through his hair. Juliet pulled away as JC interrupted impatiently.
“You are gonna be with us until the beginning of September...there will be plenty of time for that. now let’s go!” JC pulled Justin toward the door as Juliet relaxed in Justin’s arms. The blonde boy smiled down at the content girl in his arms. ‘Justin, you are in for a wild ride with this one,’ a voice in his mind advised him. ‘Who cares’ he told himself as he leaned down to touch his lips to Juliets forhead. Their time together was just beginning.

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