“Nothing!” He just wishes that I had left them there. He just wishes that I would touch him!” Juliet shouted as she pushed Justin off of her. She began walking towards the bathroom to fix her hair and get dressed. Justin followed quietly behind her.
Juliet stormed into the bathroom and moved to slam the door. As she turned she felt two soft hands grab her arm and pull her away from the door. She closed her eyes as she began to loose all patience. Juliet heard the soft click of the lock being turned, and she quickly opened her eyes. The only thing she saw was Justin with a look of complete sadness and disappointment on his face. His cool blue eyes gazed into hers as she struggled to keep calm.
“Juliet, what’s wrong? What have I done to make you so upset? I’m sorry, I tease a lot. Really. Now tell me why you are so unhappy.” Justin led the brown haired girl over to the seat in front of the bath tub. Her hands were trembling as he took them in his. As he looked up at her, he saw that her face was contorted in agony and sadness. Justin gasped in shock as a tear slowly made its way out of the corner of one of her eyes. He followed her gaze that was fixed on something in the corner. he slowly released her hands as he reached over to pick up the abandoned locket.
“Don’t..” Juliet struggled to get the word out as she gasped for air. he was trying so hard to control her emotions. Justin was being so sweet, and she couldn’t let herself begin to care for him. She could never give her heart to anyone else.
Justin ignored her plea and opened the locket. His heart constricted with despair as he saw the two figures clinging to each other in the picture. The look in Juliet’s eyes was unmistakable; love and adoration shone in the lilac orbs. Justin set the locket aside and pulled Juliet onto the floor next to him as she cried softly.
“Juliet...just tell me what happened. let it out.” Justin placed his hand on top of hers and touched her cheek cautiously. He smiled gently although he was screaming with jealousy on the inside. Juliet took one look in Justin’s eyes and lost control. He was being so nice after she had blown him off. She began to shake with sobs as she told her story. ***(flashback)
“Jen-what are you doing here? You might want to leave though because Rom- I mean Ryan is coming over and he-” Juliet trailed off as Ryan stepped out from behind the door. The look in both of her friend’s eyes was unmistakable. They were ashamed.
“Juliet...I thought that it would be best if we were both here to tell you. You are going to hate me when I tell you this, but I love you more than anything. I just-”
“Save it! just get to the point” Juliet snapped quickly. She knew something bad was about to happen. She gripped the door for support as Ryan continued.
“Jen and I were together last night. One thing led to another. and it got out of control. We were both drunk and we couldn’t think straight. We were so out of it. I’m sorry.” Ryan looked down as he rambled on and on. Juliet was not keeping her cool. She slammed the door against the wall leaving a mark. She stepped up to her boyfriend and glared into his eyes. “How out of it were you? How crazy were you?” She demanded arms flying through the air.
“I had too much to drink. And you weren’t there so I just....I’m so sorry. I love you.” Ryan moved to put his arms around the infuriated girl. She pushed him away, eyes flashing.
“You slept with her didn’t you? Because I wasn’t ready. And you asked more than once, but I kept on saying no. And you said that you supported me and you loved me. Yeah well fuck you you stupid son of a bitch!” Juliet screamed in fury as she whirled around to face her best friend. “You slut!” she began, her hands balled into fists at her side. “You slimy whore! You were always jealous of me. you wanted him and you jumped at the first chance that you had. You fucking prostitute. You are sleaze. Do not ever come near me again. I will call the police if you do. Now both of you, get the hell out of here and leave me the hell alone. Forever!” Juliet pushed Jen back and moved to shut the door.
“I’m Sorry, Juliet!” Jen began as tears rolled down her red face.
“Sorry?! Sorry that the sex was good or sorry that I am going to have to beat the shit out of you if you don’t leave me alone? Get the hell out of here!” Juliet ordered through clenched teeth. She was out of control and nothing would calm her own. As Jen opened her mouth to apologize once more, Juliet’s fist flew out, making severe contact with the petite blonde’s stomach. As the girl doubled over in pain, Ryan reached over to help Jen up. “Juliet...STOP!” he began, but closed his mouth as Juliet’s open hand made contact with his cheek. “You bastard. Stay away.” Juliet growled in a low voice. And with that she slammed the door, closing out the two people she had trusted the most. The two who had taken her trust and thrown it away. And as the horror really sunk in, Juliet crumbled in the middle of the kitchen floor and clutched the locket that held her hopes and dreams. And she cried for the love that had been destroyed.

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