Romeo- Chapter 5

Justin held her tighter as she finished her story. he felt her shake with horror and pain as she recalled the day her heart had been broken.
“And that’s it. My horrible past.” Juliet stated as he looked up at Justin. Her beautiful eyes were bloodshot and brimming with tears, her nose was red, but Justin still saw her as the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He released her from his arms and took her hand in both of his. Juliet smiled shyly as she wiped away tears with her free hand.
“Juliet,” he began quietly, “I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you so sad. I don’t know why anyone would do something like that to you, but I do know that I would never hurt you in anyway. I promise. I am just asking you to trust me. have faith in me and give me a chance. I can show you that I am not like the rest. We don’t have to rush into anything I just....” Juliet smiled as he went on. ‘He is serious. He never would hurt me. Justin Timberlake is not the arrogant self centered pop star that I thought he was. He is sweet, caring, and gracious. I just have to learn to trust again’ she thought as she covered his mouth with her hand. Justin stopped mid sentence and gave the tired looking girl a confused look. “What? oh sorry I must have been babbling. Sorry. I just wanted you to know that I would never-”
“I know,” Juliet interrupted. “You would never hurt me. I Know, Justin. I just need you to give me time. Let us start off slow. As friends. just start with little things. Let me learn to trust. But you have shown me who to trust. When I am ready, you will be the first person that I give my trust to. I see that you are not who I thought that you were, and you have proved yourself to me, but I have to prove to myself that I am ready. I’m not yet, but I am trying.” Juliet finished as she looked up at Justin who was staring at her intently. His blue eyes were piercing and intense.
“Give me a chance” he pleaded as he pulled her into her arms. “Just have fun tonight. Forget about everything else and just be happy for tonight. You will have an awesome time. Promise me that you will enjoy yourself...” Justin asked as he held her tightly. He frowned as Juliet pulled back slightly and let out a breathy giggle. “What?” he asked her as she smiled broadly, all hints of sadness gone from her face.
“Your hair” she answered as she ran her fingers through his golden curls. “Even though it is out of control, it is beautiful. And with those big blue eyes. you could be an angel” she smiled hesitantly. “My own guardian angel sent down to protect me and help me heal” Juliet added with a laugh.
“Maybe I am” Justin softly spoke as he looked into her eyes. “Maybe I found you for a reason. Juliet, I would never let anything happen to you.” Justin whispered and cupped her face in his hands.
Juliet was swimming in his blue eyes. She was startled by the intensity in them, yet she found them irresistible and could not turn away from them. As her heart beat increased rapidly, she lost her hold on reality. All she saw was the angel in front of her. As Justin moved to place his lips upon hers, realization hit Juliet like a brick wall. Her mind screamed with warning as she tensed and became aware of what was happening. ‘No you can’t let him...not yet...he could still hurt barely even know him...don’t let yourself get caught up too early like you id last time will only regret it’ a voice in her head warned as she pulled back from Justin’s hold and placed her hands on his chest. His eyes flew open in alarm and surprise. When Juliet saw the look of hurt and disappointment in them, she hastily pushed him away.

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