Romeo- Chapter 7

Juliet leaned back onto the leather of the limo as she rode with the two members of nsync. She squeezed Justin’s hand as he cautiously glanced out the tinted windows and watched the screaming girls run after the limo. Justin glanced at Juliet with a look of sadness on his face. “They’re going to bother you you know...they know who you are....we’re going to have to have security keep an eye on you as well,” Justin explained as Juliet furrowed her brow in confusion. She looked at the blonde boy in front of her in confusion and turned to Chris. “What is he talking about?” Juliet asked uncertainly. “I’m no celebrity...why would I need security? What is going on?”
Chris smiled. “We’re not supposed to show affection towards other girls in public. Holding hands, kissing, touching, anything like that is out of the question. Even if they are not our girlfriends, the fans go crazy. Some of them are brutal and they will bother you. Justin (Most of all) is not supposed to hold hands in public, especially not with a teenage girl like you. He is gonna hear it from Johnny. All the girls are gonna be calling in saying that Curly here has a girl. But don’t worry. We’ll take care of you.” Chris patted Juliet on the back as the girl looked at Justin apologetically. “I’m sorry, Justin,” she began, “I didn’t know. I’m so sorry I’ve gotten you in trouble, and now the fans-”
“Who cares?!” Justin burst out, “I don’t care! Let them think what they want. We know the truth. That is all that matters. So what if I did have a girlfriend? Why shouldn’t I?! I am eighteen years old!” Justin let go of Juliet’s hand and threw his arms in the air. He pressed his fists against his closed eyes and rubbed away the frustration and tears that were coming on fast. Juliet and Chris exchanged sympathetic glances as Chris began to comfort the distraught boy.
“Justin...I know that it gets hard at times, but it’ll be okay. I promise. You and Juliet will be fine. Nothing is going to be ruined. We are all just trying to keep the two of you safe. You can take care of yourself, Justin. You are used to it,” Chris stated as he put a consoling arm around the distressed boy at his side, “but Juliet is new to this fame deal. She needs to get used to this. It is a lot to handle for a fifteen year old girl.” Justin stiffened at Chris’ last statement. He looked at Juliet in disbelief.
“You’re only 15! I thought that you were 17!” Justin stared incredulously at Juliet as she squirmed under his scrutiny. “I turn 16 in less than a month...August. We’re only two years apart. If it bothers you that much...” Juliet trailed off as she turned from the boy in front of her. ‘I thought he knew. Please let it not matter to him. It’s not a big deal. I need him right now and if he isn’t there for me as a friend, I can’t....’ Juliet thought desperately as she stared out the window.
‘What the hell does age matter when you know that she is what you need right now? Tell her nothing can change the way you feel. Tell her that as soon as you saw her you knew that she was the one. The one who would change your world and after her it will never be the same. Tell her you have never felt like this before. Tell her how your heart soars every time she says your name and she smiles back at you. Tell her how your soul breaks whenever you hear her cry. Tell her that you know that you have only known her for a day, but you know that she is different. Tell her that she needs you just as much as you need her. Tell her that you want her and nothing else and she is all that you ever needed....Tell her that if she sticks around for long enough that you will be in danger of falling desperately head over heels in love with her...that is if you haven’t all ready’ Justin’s mind screamed. Justin looked over at the crumbling girl next to him and ignored the voice in his head. He couldn’t let his feelings out so soon. “No it’s not a problem” Justin answered in a monotonous voice as he struggled to smile encouragingly at Juliet as she whirled from the window. Happiness shone in her eyes as a smile spread over her glowing face. Her cheeks were full of color as she reached over and hugged Justin. He wrapped his arms around her as he closed his eyes. ‘Damn it’ he thought, ‘Why couldn’t I just say what I was thinking for once. Next time.’ Justin assured himself as he regretted the words that did not come out of his mouth.

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