Romeo- Chapter 8

Juliet, Chris, and Justin stepped out of the limo and ran into a back gate for the stadium. JC and Lance appeared, and Lance smiled at Juliet. “Well, well, well..look who it is! How ya doing, Juliet? We were all hoping that you would come to sound check so that we could get to know you better. All Justin did was talk about you the entire time we were sitting in the hotel, and JC was wondering if this wonderful girl really existed,” Lance said as Johnny Wright stormed over and pulled Justin away by the arm. Juliet looked startled as she realized that Justin was going to be in trouble for what was really her fault. ‘I should have known that he can’t hold hands in public. I am so stupid, how could I not realize that?!’ she asked her self grimly. Juliet groaned in warily. JC saw the sadness on her face, and quickly spoke up.
“I was so curious as to who this girl was. The way Justin babbled on and on, I figured that you were some type of goddess,” JC smiled at her when she looked up quickly. She studied his handsome features as he grinned at her. There was something about him that made her feel as though she had known him for a long time. She knew that he felt the same when he laughed and picked her up in a big brotherly hug. Juliet knew that they would get along really well.
“Sorry to disappoint you,” she raised an eyebrow at him as he pinched her cheeks and ruffled her hair. “No goddess. Just me. All though....Chris is old enough to be one of the gods from Greek mythology. Maybe he should be the one that you ask about being a god.” JC looked at her and put her in a headlock. “I like her!” he exclaimed as Chris groaned and smacked his forehead in frustration. “She’s my new sidekick. Can we keep her?” He laughed as Juliet pulled away from him and sat on the ground on the other side of the stadium.
Juliet looked on as Justin was lectured by Johnny. She grimaced when she saw the anger on his face as he began to talk heatedly with Justin. Juliet studied him from head to toe, letting her eyes wander over every inch of Justin’s body as he squirmed under Johnny’s gaze. ‘Well, I have to admit, he is easy on the eyes’ Juliet thought while studying his muscled form. She knew that Justin had an outstanding body, yet she did not think that that was his most attractive feature. Juliet loved the fact that she had hardly even known him for more than five hours, yet he had gone out of his way to make her happy and see her smile. He cared enough to go to her and listen to her story. And hold her as she cried. Juliet loved that. Her heart and hormones were making it hard to just sit back and take it slow, but Juliet’s common sense still sounded loud and clear when she really thought about what should happen next. Juliet’s heart wanted her to go for Justin, and just be with him because he could maker her happy. But she knew that this was just lust speaking, and her mind told her to take it slow. Juliet realized that it would be better in the end if she did. Looking over at Justin once more, she tried to find something wrong with him. She froze as he looked in her direction and caught her gaze. Juliet was captivated by the swirling blue depths of his eyes. They sparkled and teased. They were the window to Justin’s soul, and Juliet found herself drowning in them as Justin slowly winked in her direction. Johnny turned to see what had caught Justin’s attention, and Juliet quickly snapped out of her trance. She turned and faced the other direction as the infuriated man glared at her back. After counting to ten, she turned around again to study Justin once more. A large smile spread over her face as she noticed Justin trying to smooth the wild curls on his head. The heat had taken over once more, and the blonde curls stuck out all over his head. In the sunlight, it looked almost as though he was an angel with a bright golden halo. Juliet sighed as she realized that gawking at the beautiful teen idol was not going to help her to NOT be attracted to him. Justin smiled in her direction once more, and all Juliet saw at that moment was him. ‘Looking can’t hurt’ she tried to convince her self as she realized that he was just becoming more and more irresistible as time went on.
JC, Chris, and Lance stood to the side while Justin continues to make goo goo eyes over Johnny’s back. “Would you look at the the two of them? They have got it so bad for each other! She is drooling! We should go get her one of those big ole lobster bibs to put on. And I have NEVER seen Justin make eyes like that!! WOW-EE!” JC exclaimed to the two other men that he was standing with. He turned his deep blue eyes to Chris and gave him a confused stare.
“What?” Chris exclaimed as JC continued to look at him.
“Well,” JC continued as he stroked his chin thoughtfully. “You just said that when Justin showed up at her door, she was rude and inconsiderate to said that she looked like she wanted to drop dead right on the spot when he said that he had gotten her a front row ticket. Now, if all that you say is true, why is she over there staring at him like he is the greatest thing in the world?” JC questioned the older man as he continued to stare at the love struck Juliet.
Chris stomped his feet in frustration. “I don’t know!” he shouted. “First, she hates him with an undying passion, then they are all walking out of the hotel holding hands like two love birds. She won’t admit that she wants him, but it is too obvious that she does.” He speculated as they studied Juliet. Lance listened careful to what Chris had to say, and then began to comment.
“I don’t think that she even realized that something more than a possible friendship is there.” Lance softly spoke up as the two others turned toward him, “I mean, when she came to our room, Justin was teasing her about her name and how she should have a Romeo. And when he said that, all her confidence disappeared and she pretty much just crumbled right then and there. I could see it in her eyes. She is scared of something, and I am willing to bet that it is being in a relationship again. Her heart has been broken before, and I am pretty sure that she is scared to give it a try again. Jeez, is kind of easy to see that. You were right there when she got all upset, AND you were there with them in the hotel room! How could you not know what was going on?” Lance shook his head in disbelief as Chris squinted his eyes and stared at Lance. He grinned evilly as an idea popped into his mind.
“Well then. If you too are so damn perceptive and insightful, then why don’t you answer a simple question. This takes hardly and common sense at all, and since you all know EVERYTHING about EVERYONE without having to ask any questions, you should know the answer easily,” Chris stated smugly as the other two men looked at each other and nodded. “Ok. here it is. How old is Juliet?”
JC looked at Lance in relief as he pursed his lips and thought for a moment. “Juliet is 17, but I am guessing that in less than a month she is gonna be 18. We have a birthday girl in the house ladies and gentlemen. Yep, 17 going on 18,” he answered confidently as Lance looked up in thought.
“18. Definitely 18. Her birthday was in the beginning of July, and she is now of legal age and ready to vote when election time comes,” Lance answered smugly as he crossed his arms and looked over at Chris who was trying hard to contain his laughter. Chris straightened up and put each of his arms around the two confident guys.
“BZZZZZ....sorry, Mr. Chasez and Mr. Bass...the judges cannot and will not accept that answer because it is wrong. Your consolation prize is a year’s supply of turtle wax. Use it wisely. You two better go out and buy Juliet a baby bib, not a lobster bib, for that drool of hers because our lovely star crossed lover over there is at a ripening OLD age of FIFTEEN! How’s that one for you ‘I’m so sensitive and I know everything’ guys! HA!” Chris whooped in triumph as JC gawked in disbelief. ‘NO WAY!,’ he thought as Chris laughed uproariously. Lance gasped and clutched his heart as he slowly slid to the ground. “Be still my beating heart!” he mocked as he widened his eyes in shock. “So our Curly is robbing the cradle, huh? Juju better watch out, cause she is a law suit waiting to happen. Oh boy if something does develope with her, she better start lying about her age because the press will eat it up!” Lance sat up as Johnny stalked away from Justin to go ward off reporters and stop rumors before they started. He smiled as Juliet quickly hid the love struck puppy dog look on her face when Justin turned to face her again. Justin smiled and laughed to himself as he reached for one of the many objects that fans had thrown over the covered fences of the stadium. Juliet was stunned as he picked up a HUGE Double D cup baby blue bra and handed it to her. Lance laughed as Justin told her that it was a special gift from him to her so that she would always keep a part of him close to her heart. JC and Chris groaned at the pun and watched Juliet grimace in disgust as she understood the joke. Justin continued to tell the appalled girl that the bra was perfect for her and it would look smashing on her. As Lance tried to guess what stupid stunt Justin was about to pull, he saw Steven approaching JC and Chris from behind. He motioned for him to come over and told him to film the two teens. ‘Ya might wanna zoom in, Steve, I have a feeling this is gonna be good.” They all watched as Juliet smiled evilly at Justin as he suggested that she model the bra and matching underwear that a fan had thrown over along with it. Juliet continued to look at Justin with a crazy gleam in her eyes as she took the gigantic bra and underwear out of Justin’s hands and reached behind her back as if to unhook her bra. Justin’s eyes widened in excitement. As a look of lust came over Justin’s face, Juliet, who had decided to turn the joke onto him, asked Justin if he could please give her a hand. The ecstatic blonde boy jumped to his feet and began to step behind Juliet. The brown haired girl quickly turned on her heel and rammed the silky blue g-string underwear down over Justin’s curly head and hooked the bra around his chest. As Justin stood in disbelief and shock, Juliet reached down and yanked hard on Justin’s pants. Chris, JC, and Lance rolled on the ground with laughter as Steven zoomed in on the flustered 18 year old who was desperately trying to pull his pants up while ripping the underwear off his head. He glared at the victorious girl who was running laps around the embarrassed boy. Justin saw that she was enjoying herself, and quickly calmed his anger. His pride was wounded, but it was worth it to see her so full of energy and happiness. Juliet threw her hands triumphantly in the air as she spotted the video camera in Steve’s hands. She quickly ran over and got a high five from Chris as he put her on his shoulders and ran her around the inside of the stadium. He jumped up on the stage, and put her down so that she could do a victory dance. The crew members stopped working and applauded as Justin finally got the huge bra off and began to run after Juliet and Chris. Juliet laughed and screamed as she watched the boy struggle to keep up. JC chuckled at the sight that the three of them made. He knew that the crew members would never let Justin live this one down. He was willing to bet that there would be many gag gifts circulating through the rest of the tour....gag gifts consisting of baby blue undergarments large enough to fit watermelons in them. Lance and JC turned from the pursuit as Joey approached them.
“Wow who’s the babe?!” Joey asked as an appreciate smile curved on his lips when Juliet bent over to pick up the huge bra and twirl it through the air like a lasso. Joey tilted his head and squinted his eyes as he continued. “Nice....looks like Juju has the right idea. I’m about to go chasing after her myself, but....aww man...Justin has a head start!” He pouted as JC and Lance grinned at each other.
“So ya like what ya see, huh, Joey?” Lance began in his deep voice. He put a hand over his mouth to hide the large smile that was quickly forming. Joey nodded with his mouth hanging wide open. “Pretty hot, huh?” JC added as Lance coughed to cover up his laughter. “She matures real well.”
“Hell YEAH! Look at that bottom! Wow, what a woman!” Joey licked his lips in as Juliet ran by and squealed loudly as Justin closed in on her. “So I guess she does mature real well. You have to agree. I mean, you’d never, and I mean NEVER, guess that she was FIFTEEN YEARS OLD! Right Joey?!” JC shouted as he and Lance collapsed in hysteria. Joey snapped out of his daze as two words ran through his mind: jail bait. JC gasped for air as he saw Joey’s face turn a lovely shade of green. “What’s so funny you guys?” The three men turned to see a breathless Juliet behind them. She glanced at the two men who wear screaming with laughter as tears streamed down their face. JC stood up shakily as he put an arm around Juliet. “I’d rather not say. You might be scarred for life at such a young age. This is a story of pure stupidity. This should show you to think with your mind not with your....well whatever. This story of raging hormones is way too scary. Too much to handle for a young girl such as yourself. Too much for a FIFTEEN YEAR OLD, right Joey?!” He quickly looked over at the ladies’ man of the group and began to laugh harder as Joey paled. The man covered his mouth and stumbled for the nearest bathroom.

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