Romeo- Chapter 9

After the guys calmed down, and Joey had returned form the bathroom, they began sound check. Juliet took a seat in the stadium and marveled at the amount of screaming girls that had already gathered for the concert. She could not believe how dedicated the fans were. A shadow loomed over her as she leaned back and closed her eyes. She quickly sat up, and giggled as the lens of a video camera was thrust in her face.
“Hey little a message for ‘N SYNC? You must be their number one fan!” Steven joked as Juliet grabbed a marker from his pocket and turned away from him. Steven squinted his eyes and stared at her in disbelief.
“What the hell?” he asked.
Juliet whirled around with her shirt pulled up so that her stomach showed. “I love you Joey!” the hysterical girl shouted as Steve zoomed in on the JOEY LET ME HAVE YOUR BABY! she had scrawled on her torso. “Woo Hoo! I know you want me too Joey!” Steve grinned as he took a seat next to Juliet. ‘If only you knew the half of it’ Steve thought to himself as he stretched out on the bench.
Anyone can make you sweat...but I can keep you wet!” Juliet whispered throatily in Chris’ ear as she proceeded to dump water on the crotch of his pants.
“Yeah! Go Juliet!” the other guys cheered her on as she leaned back on the couch with a satisfied smile on her face. They were gathered backstage while Jordan Knight was performing. Juliet looked around the room. Confusion clouded over her lilac eyes as she realized that one person was missing.
“Missing something? Or should I say someone?” JC smirked as he watched Juliet twirl her hair nervously. “He’s in the wardrobe trailer” he answered as she glanced up with a startled expression on her face. Juliet quickly climbed off the couch and made her way to the wardrobe trailers. She knocked on the door and quickly stepped inside as Lisa, the wardrobe consultant, invited her inside. Juliet froze as her heart leapt into her throat. A god stood in front of her clad only in a pair of cargo wind pants for his performance later that evening. Sweat glistened on his chest as his muscles rippled under his skin. His curly head turned and piercing blue eyes met Juliet’s stare. His perfect lips curled into a wonderfully seductive smile as Justin caught the dumb struck look on Juliet’s face. Juliet continued to gawk as Lisa patted her on the shoulder. “There, there...Just don’t forget to breathe. Justin, I’m leaving to go find the other four goofballs. I’ll be back in a half an hour. Don’t take advantage of this poor child. She’s disillusioned.” Lisa stepped out of the trailer and left the wide eyed girl standing in the middle of the trailer. Justin grinned as he flexed his muscles.
‘Stop staring like an idiot! You’re drooling like some ten year old teeny!’ A voice began in Juliet’s head, but was quickly cut off as her hormones took over. ‘Who cares? Keep on looking,’ the second voice ordered. She followed the blond boy’s every movement as he pranced around the trailer and enjoyed Juliet’s attention. “Oh yeah...oh yeah....I know you want me. Admit it Juliet. I am pretty sexy, huh, Juliet? You always wanted me. Your mom even said that you were coming to our concert anyway. I know it was just to see me.” Juliet rolled her eyes at his display of machoness. ‘Boys will be boys’. She smiled at Justin as he looked in the mirror and began to pull a tight white T-shirt over his head.
“Why don’t you take a picture? It will last longer. And then you can frame it and put it up on your wall,” Justin teased as he stared at Juliet in the mirror. He watched as she turned from him, went over to the racks of clothing, and began to go through them.
“Puh-lease, Justin. I wouldn’t want to break my camera!” she replied as she continued to paw through the rack of clothing. As she came across a neon orange pair of spandex pants, she gagged and pulled them off the rack. Juliet turned to face Justin, “So pretty boy, are these hideous...Justin?” Justin had disappeared from in front of the mirror, and as Juliet moved to check the doorway, she dropped the pants. ‘Darn’ she muttered as she bent over to retrieve them. When Juliet heard the click of a camera, she quickly straightened up and turned around. There stood Justin with a Polaroid camera in his hand. He pulled out the picture and stared at it as it began to develop.
“Oh man...Joey is gonna love this picture!” He smirked and glanced at Juliet who had walked back over to the clothes to continue pawing through them. He walked over to her and held the camera in front of him. “I found a camera for you. You can take the picture of me now. Come on, you know you want one!”
Juliet crossed her arms and faced the irresistible blonde boy. “I told you...I don’t want to have you responsible for breaking the camera! Give it up Justin! You know I wasn’t staring at you,” she stated as she bit her cheeks to keep from laughing at the expression on Justin’s face. Both of them knew that she was lying threw her teeth. Justin slowly put down the camera as he approached Juliet and gently pushed her backwards through the rack of clothes.
“Liar!” he shouted as he shook his index finger at her. “You are lying, sweetheart, and we both know it!” He poked his finger into her chest and pushed her until the two of them were in the very back of the trailer. Juliet’s eyes sparkled with mischief as Justin pushed her further. She shook her hair at him and raised her eyebrows. She stared at the front of the trailer. “What can I say, blondie, I am not attracted to you.” She did not meet his gaze as he looked at her suspiciously.
“Say it again,” he whispered as he put his hands on his hips. Juliet glanced at the ground nervously. ‘Quit your lying, Juliet, you know you want him. Maybe you don’t know him enough to love him, or have a serious relationship with him. But you have a crush, and you were staring like a love sick puppy dog’ she told herself as she avoided Justin’s intense gaze.
“I’m not attracted to you,” she repeated, less sure of herself as the mood in the situation became more and more serious. Her mind screamed the truth as she stepped back and felt the wall against her back. Justin watched Juliet closely as she refused to meet his gaze. ‘She can’t look me in the eye because she is lying’ he thought to himself.
“No, I said say it again. And actually try to make me believe you this time. Look me in the eye,” Justin softly spoke as Juliet raised her stare to meet his. Her violet eyes widened in disbelief as she caught the serious look that he was giving her.
“I...I’” she blurted out quickly as she struggled to get the words out. Juliet looked away from Justin and stared at the ground. She looked up in alarm as Justin slammed both of his hands up against the wall on either side of Juliet’s head. He slowly leaned down and placed his lips next to Juliet’s ear. He watched as she closed her eyes and bit her lip in self control as he gently breathed into her ear. “You’re lying.” The girl opened her eyes slowly as Justin leaned back.
“No...I’m not-Ohhh” she breathed as Justin pressed his body up against hers. He smiled down at her as she gazed up into her eyes. He was going to make her eat her words, and he was going to do it well. Juliet reached a hand up and traced the strong line of his jaw as Justin reached down and grabbed his free hand. her fingers trailed over his lips as he leaned his forehead against hers. Justin swallowed thickly as he took in the lust and wanting that shone in Juliet’s eyes.
Juliet’s heart was racing, and she knew that at that moment she had no control over her body. Hormones were raging and emotions were taking over. Common sense had no place in her mind and Juliet wanted nothing to do with acting rationally. She was in a situation full of intensity and desire; she loved it.
“Yeah I know. You’re not attracted to me, Juliet. I totally believe you....just...” Justin questioned as he let his hand trail down her jaw to her neck, “since your so not into me, tell would it feel if I kissed you right there?” Justin finished as he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on a soft spot on her neck. His lips tingled as he felt her lean on him for support when her knees began to buckle. “Or what if I kissed you there...or here?” Justin murmured as he trailed kisses down her neck to the edge of her shirt. He smiled with satisfaction as he heard Juliet softly groan with pleasure. She dug her fingers into his shoulders as she struggled to keep standing. Justin’s body was warm with the feeling of her trembling figure pressed up against his as he leaned her against the wall. Justin let out his own moan of delight as Juliet scratched her nails down his back.
Juliet was in heaven. Emotions were running wild through her body as Justin placed soft kisses on her neck. She had never felt anything like this before, and she enjoyed it. ‘See, Juliet, you can just play. This is not taking it as slowly as you really wanted to, but as long as there is no sex, and you don’t jump into a serious relationship too soon, you’re going to do just fine’ her mind told her. Tears of frustration sprung to her eyes as Justin did not bring his lips up to meet hers. She was sure that this was the right moment for their first kiss, and the delay was killing her.
“Justin...” she shakily whispered his name as she opened her eyes. Justin stood and smiled softly as he brushed a tear from her cheek. He knew what she wanted, but he was willing to see how long she would wait for it. “I don’t know about kissing me on all those other places, but I know that if you kissed me right here,” Juliet placed his fingers on his lips as he gazed at her in wonder, “I could garantee that I would seriously be attracted to you.” Justin smiled and laughed as he leaned down and caressed her cheek.
“I already know that you want me, Juliet, you are a terrible liar. I didn’t believe you for a second before. It was pathetic,” Justin joked as he kissed the tears from her face. She grinned and slapped his arm.
“Will you just shut the hell up for once, and kiss me?!” she giggled as she pulled him closer to her. Anticipation pulsed through her body as she felt his breath on her lips. Justin watched as she closed her eyes and waited. ‘She’s so gorgeous...everything about her is perfect’ he leaned in to meet his lips with hers.
“Justin! We’re here!” A deep male voice boomed as Juliet and Justin pulled away from each other, a second before their lips had met. ‘Damn it,’ Juliet cursed as she began to work her way through the racks of clothes to get to the front of the trailer. She was greeted by four men each holding identical outfits.
“Hey, Juliet! How’s it going?” JC greeted her as she stepped towards the group. She smiled at JC. “Did you find something for Curly to wear? We were thinking that these would be perfect!” He held up the orange pants that Juliet had earlier discarded in the middle of the floor. She laughed as the rest of the guys nodded in agreement.
“So where is spandex boy?” Joey began as Juliet noticed that he had not followed her to the front. “We need to make sure that he has everything for the concert...whoa!” Joey exclaimed as he picked up the picture that Justin had taken. “Would ya look at that?! Oh man!” The rest of the group crowded around the picture and smacked Joey on the head when they saw what it was. “I told ya so!” Justin shrugged as he appeared from behind a rack of clothing and smiled at Juliet. She waved and blew him a kiss as the rest of the guys were preoccupied with the picture. She began to walk towards the door to leave and have some time to sort out her thoughts. Just as she put her hand on the door know, someone grabbed her from behind. Juliet turned and faced Justin. He brought her hand up and kissed it softly. “Next time,” he whispered as Juliet grinned and ruffled his hair. She waved once more and turned to walk out the door. As she was closing the door, she heard a voice call Justin’s name. “Justin! Can we have this picture blown up? 12 by 24 would be nice! We could hang it on the ceiling of my bunk!” Juliet giggled quietly as she made her way to her seat in the stadium. Her brow creased in thought as she recalled Justin’s last words.... ‘Next time...there is not going to be that many next times....he’s leaving tomorrow’.

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