
1. Best Overall Story
2. Best Justin Story
3. Best JC Story
4. Best Chris Story
5. Best Lance Story
6. Best Joey Story
7. Best Kiss
8. Best Ending
9. Best Fight
10. Best Couple
11. Best Leading Lady
12. Best Bad Guy
13. Saddest Break-Up
14. Best Comedy
15. Best Pal
16. Best Short Story
17. Best Visual
18. Most Talented Author
19. Best New Author
20. Most Descriptive Author
21. Story 'N Sync Would Be Proud of If They Read It
22. Best Incomplete Story
23. Saddest Ending
24. Happiest Ending
25. Most Original Story
26. Most Unique Plot

Did I forget a catagory you think should be here? Email me and tell me what should be added!

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