Choosing Gentlemen- Chapter 1

It was one of the hottest days of the year and Melissa was trying to get a tan. The huge party she was going to tonight was her first of the school year, and she wanted to look her best. The party was for one of her good friends, Brent, and she was more than excited that he had invited her. She had liked him since her sophomore year and the "crush" she had on him was starting to show some results. He had asked her to the prom and invited her to his b-day party. She was just lying there when she suddenly heard some voices. She got up and wondered who it could be since she was on her own private property and the maids wouldn't have let anyone in unless she was notified first. She was shocked to see who it was. Brent and a couple of his friends, Mike, John, and Harvey. They all had grins on their faces, and looked slightly suspicious. She immediately got up to greet them, ignoring the fact that she still didn't know how they had gotten into her house and back to her deck without having her maids stop them.
"Hi, babe! Are you tanning for me?" Asked Brent with an acquired smile on his face.
"No," she lied, "I do this every weekend. Hey, how did ya'll get back here?" she questioned.
"Um..we kinda convinced your maid that since we're going out to just let us back." he answered.
"What do you mean, we're going out?" she asked.
"Oh, well, we are...that's what I meant." they all laughed. Melissa didn't remember when that had happened, and she was certain that he had never formally asked her out...but she liked him, so why push it?
"Well, anyway, we came to tell you that we got a really cool band to perform at the party tonight. Guess who it is... I hear they're your fav." he said, smirking.
"Well, my fav group is impossible to get for private concerts, so you must be mistaken about who is my favorite." she inquired.
"Well, the band I'm talking about is *NSYNC, isn't that your favorite?" he asked, having the biggest grin yet.
"Yeah, guys didn't get *NSYNC to perform's stop messing with my head and let me go back to tanning." She lied back down on her chair and turned on the radio next to her, there was an announcement on.
"Hey all you *NSYNC fans, there's going to be an exclusive party tonight at a South Beach mansion, so hopefully you all have got some connections, otherwise, you'll be missing an *NSYNC concert right here in South Florida!!" the announcer exclaimed.
"Oh my gosh!!! You guys are really serious!! *NSYNC is gonna be at the party tonight?!! This is so cool, how did you do it?" she was jumping up and down now, not caring how ridiculous she looked.
"Well, let's just say, I've got some connections" Brent answered.
All the guys said a few last words and reminded her to be there at eight o'clock sharp if she wanted to have a chance to meet the guys of *NSYNC. She guaranteed them she would be there on time and with that Brent gave her a light kiss and left.
Now Melissa had to hurry up and get ready, she only had seven and a half hours to get ready and that didn't seem like nearly enough.
*~ 8:00 pm~*
Melissa chose to go to the party as casual as possible, but when she knew she was going to meet *NSYNC, it was almost impossible. She put on a short, black skirt, and a pastel green top, with a pair of semi-comfortable black shoes. She pulled up to Brent's mansion in her 1999, red Toyota 4-runner. She felt a rush of nervousness run through her, and she was worried she might not make it...but she also knew she would. She walked up the steps toward the front door, and was greeted by one of Brent's many servants. She heard voices coming from one of the living rooms, and she felt her heart leap into her throat. She walked slower, now, and her footsteps made a noise against the marble floor. Brent must've heard it because he was in the hall standing with her before she had barely seen him. Following him were the five reasons she was in her bathroom for a total of 6 hours today...Joey, Justin, Lance, J.C., and Chris. They wear all looking incredible. Chris immediately came up to her and started talking.
"Hi, my name is Chris and you are?"
She answered, stuttering a bit, "Hi, I'm Melissa, very nice to meet you, I love your music." She didn't want to sound stupid, but she felt it necessary to let them all know that. Then Justin came up and took her by the hand.
"Very nice to meet you, you'll have to excuse Chris, he's a little psycho!" He said, just as Chris leaped off a sofa and pounced onto a servant's back.
"Hi, I'm J.C., I'm very happy we got to meet you, Brent tells us you're a fan?" He asked.
"Yeah, a huge fan. So, you guys have been talking about me, then?" Melissa teased.
"Oh, yeah he mentioned something about this horrible second head that grows on a full moon. Just kidding, he only told us that you're his girlfriend and that you like our music." He smiled, and seemed to look at her and Justin awkwardly at the same time. After that, Lance, and Joey introduced themselves, and everyone went to get some dinner, the party was still two hours away, so they all had a chance to get to know each other.
"So, are you from around here, Melissa?" Joey asked. "Well, not originally, but I've lived here for about 17 out of my eighteen year life!" She said, smiling at him.
"Hey, you guys, I'm gonna go get ready for the party, I'll see you guys on stage a little later. Melissa, I'll see ya in a little while, hang out with the guys and get acquainted, but not too much!" Brent joked.
"Alright, see ya in a few!!" Justin hollered after him. "Finally, he's gone!! Justin whispered after Brent had gone into another room. "He's got to be the most self-centered guy in the world! Why are we doing this concert for him, again?" He asked.
"I dunno, I really wanted to come back down to Florida, and we needed an excuse to persuade Lou to let us come!" said Lance.
"And," Justin said quietly, "We got to meet Melissa." He smiled at her, and she smiled back, blushing slightly. Justin then suddenly took her by the hand and led her into the library.
"Okay, hi." he said, "I just wanted to ask you,, if you and that guy Brent are an exclusive couple or something." Melissa just stood there, in silence.

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