Choosing Gentlemen- Chapter 2

Melissa just stood there, trying to convince herself that what Justin Timberlake had just asked her was completely a form of her involuntary imagination. But it wasn't.
"What did you say?" She asked.
"Well, I was just curious as to weather or not you and Brent are a really serious couple, like how long have ya'll been going out?" he acted casual now.
"He just asked me out this afternoon" She thought about that for a second, realizing he had never really asked her out. "Um, well actually we're not serious at all, ya' see, we just like each other." She answered, hesitating slightly. "Why do you ask?"
"Well, I hope I don't make you feel uncomfortable about this, but one of the guys, Lance, really seems to like you, and he was wondering if he should ask you out later or not." He said, taking a deep breath.
"Well, can tell him that I would love to spend some time with him." Melissa answered.
"Great, this is cool." Justin exclaimed.
They left the room both in a better mood than we had entered. He and Melissa walked back into the living room, and she immediately noticed Lance on his cell phone. He looked up at her, and told whoever he was on the phone with that he would call them back.
Joey got up and said, "Hey you guys, I'm gonna go get changed and take a dip in the pool, that water fall out there looks like fun!" Everyone laughed.
"Alright, I will too, it looks nice out." Chris smiled, he had calmed down quite a bit since Melissa had gotten there, he acted fairly normal. Justin and J.C. both agreed that the pool was a good idea, and followed the guys out of the room. Once Lance had heard all their doors close, he sat down next to Melissa on one of the couches.
"Did Justin talked to you? I mean, about me." He asked.
"Yes, he did. It was a very interesting conversation." She said, and they both smiled.
"So, do you think it would be alright if I asked you out? Tomorrow we could just do whatever, I really wanna get to know you better, you seem.." But she cut him off.
"I would absolutely love to go out with you tomorrow, and it'll be fun to get to know you too." She said, and now they both walked out to the pool deck and sat down at the bar. Lance had two hours to get ready for the show, and one of them would be spent with Melissa.
*~ 10:30~*
*NSYNC had been performing for the last half hour, and all 100 people there were now jumping up and down to "You Got It". Melissa's friend, Jennifer, rushed over to her and tapped her on the shoulder."Hey, I heard you got to meet the guys!" She said loudly.
"Yeah, and guess what?!!" she said, excitedly.
"What, tell me!!" she hollered.
"I'm going on a date with Lance tomorrow!
"No way!! Oh my gosh, you are so lucky!" She exclaimed.
The band then ended the song and Justin started talking. "Hey ya'll! How you guys feelin'?" The crowd roared. "That's what I want to hear!! Now listen, this next song is dedicated to a very special girl. Melissa, this is from me to you, because God must have spent a little more time on you!" The crowd, realizing he was about to sing God Must Have Spent.., started to cheer again.
"I thought you said that you were going to go out with Lance." Jennifer asked.
"So did I." Melissa answered.
"Then why is Justin singing this to you?" she asked.
"I have no idea." Melissa said.
Justin was looking right at Melissa, and little did she know, that for the first time in Justin's career, he was jealous because he didn't get the girl he wanted.

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