Choosing Gentlemen- Chapter 3

Melissa woke up the next morning in the best of moods. She immediately remembered that she had a date with Lance Bass from *NSYNC that day. But that reminded her of Justin. Why had he been looking at her they way he was, and why was he singing to her? It didn't make sense. But something made her put that thought to the back of her head. It was the phone. After about 3 rings she picked it up and started talking.
"Hello?" She asked.
"Hi, Melissa? This is Lance." It was so strange...he almost sounded nervous.
"Oh, hey....I knew it was you by that voice,"They both laughed a bit, "so what's up?" she asked.
"Oh, I just wanted to make some plans for today, like when do you wanna meet, where do you wanna go?" he said.
"It really doesn't matter, but just to give you a hint, the beach, the mall and the 50's diner on 10th street are my favorite places in the city." She answered.
He laughed and said, "Well, I wanna check out all your favorite places. How about the mall, then the beach, then out to a late lunch at that diner...sound good?" He questioned.
"That sounds perfect...when do you wanna leave?"
"How about I'll come pick you up around 11:00, that way you'll have about an hour to get ready." he said.
"Sounds great, even though an hour doesn't seem like nearly enough time when you're going out with a star...but it'll work!!" they laughed.
"Alright I'll see ya then...don't forget your bathing suit! When I pick you up, I'll be in my black 4- runner."
"Okay, great! See ya then, Lance." she said, suavely.
"Bye, Melissa."
After they had hung up, Melissa jumped out of bed and into the shower. She washed and shaved, and quickly got out. She dried her hair, and went to go pick out an outfit, when the phone rang again.
"Hi, Melissa, it's Justin." said the voice on the other line.
Not really thinking about it, she asked, "Justin who?" "Um, Justin Timberlake. I was just calling to see if you had any plans next weekend. We're gonna be back in town, and I was wondering if you might like to go clubbing with" He said. Melissa could not believe her ears. She was shocked that he would ask her out after one of his best friends just had, and Justin knew Lance liked her. This was too weird.
"Listen, Justin. I'm not trying to be rude, I think you're a nice guy and all, but Lance already asked me out and I think it would be awkward for all of us...." she trailed off.
"I understand...maybe another time, then..sorry to bother you..bye" he said.
Melissa found it difficult to stand up, but she only had 30 minutes to get ready, so she forced herself to block her conversation with Justin out of her head, and finished getting ready.
Lance was wearing a pair of Polo Khakis with a grey Polo top, when he drove up to Melissa's beach front condo. She thought he looked too good for a day at the beach, but she wasn't looking real "beach worthy" either. She wore a pair of khaki shorts with a with a white Guess top, and some brown leather strap sandals. She hopped in the car, and Lance gave her a light peck on the cheek. She was very suprised at this, but she thought it was real sweet. He started talking after about a minute, and that broke the ice.
"You look great! I have to say, though, neither of us look like we're ready to go to the beach." They laughed, and Melissa blushed a little.
"You look pretty good, yourself! I brought my bathing suit in my bag, so if we want, we can go later. So are we going to the mall, first?" She asked.
"Actually, I forgot my wallet, so I've got to stop by the hotel real quick, it's about 5 minutes away, so it's not a problem, is it?" He smiled.
"Of course not." Melissa was worried now. She had to see Justin, and that meant that she had to act like nothing ever happened, right in front of both Lance and Justin, and all the other guys! They pulled up to the hotel, and there were about 20 hollering girls waiting at the entrance of the hotel. Lance pulled around to the back parking garage, and up to the third floor, where he and the other guys were all staying. They both got out of the car, and made their way to the guy's room. Justin, Chris, J. C., and Joey were all sitting at the T.V. playing Mortal Kombat. They all turned around, and realizing they had a guest, got up to say hello. Only, Justin walked much slower then the others.
"Hey, don't I know you from somewhere?!" Chris joked, and then gave Melissa a hug. "Have we been married, or something?" That made everyone laugh, even Justin.
"Hey, how ya' doin'" Joey said, "I hear you and my buddy Lance are gonna hit the town today?"he asked.
"Yeah, I'm gonna show him around, and we might head out to the beach or something." Melissa responded.
"Cool, so does that mean everybody's going, so I can get some sleep?!!" J.C. joked, "I'm tired!"
"You're always tired!" Everyone chimed in at the same time.
"I know" J.C. said, sheepishly. Then Justin finally made his way over and gave Melissa a hug. "How ya' been?" He asked.
"Just perfect, I'm looking forward to a good day." she answered, hiding her uncomfortablness.
"Cool, I found it! I got my wallet," Lance hollered from another room, "Ready to hit the road?" he said.
"Yeah, let's go!" Melissa said, glancing at Justin. He was looking at her too.
"Alright, ya'll," Lance said, "See you guys later tonight!" He had no idea what had happened earlier, and nobody was willing to break his southern heart.

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