Coming Together- Chapter 1

Kathryn yawned tiredly, and stretched her arms over her head. Her light brown hair, normally full and glowing was hanging limply on her back. However, her violet-blue eyes were sparkling vibrantly as they always did after dancing. She lay back onto the cool pillow, in the bed in her hotel room. She was exhausted. After 2 hours of constant dance practice she could barely move. However, she knew she had to practice if she wanted to win the spot of being a dancer on tour with a group. Tired, Kathryn picked up the worn brochure she had received from her dance coach. Rereading it for probably the 20th time:
Are you an aspiring dancer looking for a way to put what you love into a career? Look no more! JIVE companies are looking for dancers for different groups going on tour this summer! To audition for the chance of a lifetime, come to the JIVE management building on 24 street, in Orlando at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday the 3rd of May. Bring lunch, water, and anything else you'll need. Try out!
Sighing, she looked up at the ceiling quietly. If she didn't get the job, she'd feel terrible, not to mention humiliated. The scene before she left the house jumped into her head....
"Young lady, can't you EVER listen to us?? We try our hardest to raise you decently, we give you everything, and you even got accepted into Harvard! You have all the money you'll ever want, and an ideal life! You're going to give it all up to be a DANCER?" Kathryn's mother spat our the word "dancer" disdainfully.
"Mom, can't you see this is what I've always wanted? I've been dancing since I was 3!"
Kathryn's father joined in, "Kathryn! Don't throw away your life like this! We support you in everything, but really!"
"Daddy, Mom! I'm not throwing away my life! LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE! And don't say you've "always been there for me" because you haven't! If it isn't ONE buisness trip, it's another! Can we make a DEAL here?!?!?!?"
"What kind of deal?" asked Mrs.Auller, Kathryn's mother starting to quiet down. realizing they hadn't always been the best parents. Taking a deep breath, Kathryn steadied herself. "Well, Mom, James, the dancing coach at the studio gave me this brocheure. JIVE is looking for dancers for tours this summer. It's supposed to be REALLY big, and not only is it my dream, but the pay is incredible! Mom, Dad, the tryouts are on May 3rd, in...Orlando. If you let me fly there, and tryout, that would be the best. If I don't get accepted, nobody up here will know, because I'm only going to be missing a few days of school. But, if I do get accepted, then I get to go." Mr and Mrs. Auller looked at each other. Although they loved Kathryn more than anything, they doubted her talent when it came to dancing. Without giving it more thought, they consented. Here, Kathryn smiled, remembering her reaction...
Kathryn jumped up in joy. She ran to her parents and gave them each a HUGE hug and kiss. She was absolutely ecstatic! She ran out of the huge mansion, and hopped into her silver Mercedes-Benz. Grinning ear to ear, she drove straight to her best friend Sandy's house. Sandy knew all about the try outs and as soon as Kathryn rang the doorbell, Sandy opened the door right away. Kathryn, trying to keep a straight face, suddenly couldn't hold it in any longer and squealed,
"SANDY!!!!! THEY SAID YES!!!!!!!"
Both girls screamed and pranced around the kitchen looking like two maniacs. Sandy knew this was her best friends dream, and was more than happy for her. After a while, both had gotten calmed down, and Kathryn stopped suddenly in shock. She would have to book a flight, pack her clothes, get a hotel! Stopping dead in her tracks, she promised to call Sandy, and took off for home.
**End of Flashback**
Kathryn, also known as Kat, sighed. From there, she had booked the flights and everything. Although she sometimes felt a sharp pang for her home, back in New York, but brushed it away. Kathryn remembered that the audition was tomorrow, so she decided she had better go to sleep. After reciting her prayers, she fell into a deep sleep.
"Rise and Shine! Rise and Shine! Rise and Shine!" Kathryn groaned and started to slam her sunshine shaped alarm clock, when she realized it was the day of the rehearsal. She leapt out of bed, and immediately jumped into the shower. She brushed, washed, and changed into her dancing clothes, and put all her stuff in a bag, in record time. She did everything right away, and even cleaned up her hotel room. She was standing out in front of the Mariott, and she hailed a taxi. Then, she realized:she had another hour until the rehearsal. Sighing, Kathryn realized that she had done yet another thing wrong! However, the man in the taxi looked back at her expectantly.
"Where to, lady?" he demanded a little gruffly.
"Uhh, the JIVE management studio please." she replied somewhat nervous. Sighing, Kathryn walked into the studio, quite a bit nervous. After telling the receptionist why she was there, she recieved directions from a small flustered little man. She walked to the studio where she thought she was supposed to be. She opened the door, and her eyes widened, and she flushed scarlet as she felt many eyes upon her.

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