Coming Together- Chapter 2

Kathryn realized that there were 5 men in the room sitting at a table with a few buisness executives. They looked like they were just ready to leave. Kathryn blushed and quickly shut the door, after a moment feeling extremely embarrassed. The men had looked very familiar, but she couldn't seem to pinpoint where they were from. Shrugging, she decided to ask someone else for directions. A kind lady walking down the hallway led her to the correct room, and Kathryn went in. Kathryn glanced at her watch quickly, and her face fell. Another 45 minutes until the tryouts! Sighing, Kathryn decided that she better warm up, stretch and practice a little. Putting her stuff down, she started off dancing to Britney Spears', "Oops, I Did it Again". However, in between she also added her own moves, like different splits, somersaults, and other fancy things. In between the 2nd verse Kathryn swore she heard a door open, but thought it was just another dancer and continued with her amazing dancing. Finally, she ended and stood still for a moment. Then, all of a sudden she heard a great deal of clapping and a whistle. She turned and realized that those same 5 men from the room had been watching her the entire time. She blushed slightly, but being the confident girl she was, she cockily bowed.
Surveying the group, she swore she'd seen them somewhere. The men were all very good looking. There was a cute one with curly hair, a handsome intense blue eyed one, a small Irish looking man with a mischevous smile, a red haired flirtatious one, and a sweet blonde one. The red haired one wasted no time in coming right up to her and taking her hand.
"Wow." He said. "My name is Joey," he said, kissing her hand, "Milk does a body good girl, but damn, how much you been drinking?"
Kathryn was at loss for words. A bit embarrassed, yet slightly annoyed with his behavior, she was about to retort, when the 4 other men started to laugh and tease Joey. Slowly, the black haired, blue eyed one came up to her, his blue eyes twinkling.
"Sorry Ms...?"
"Kathryn. My name's Kathryn." introduced Kathryn sweetly.
Smiling, he said, "Sorry Kathryn. Excuse Joey, he's a little....well, you know."
"HEY!" shouted an indignant Joey.
"My name is JC." he said.
"Nice to meet you JC." said Kathryn, smiling.
"Are you gonna introduce us C?!" questioned the little Irish man.
"Sorry Chris!" apologized JC playfully.
Showing Kathryn the men, in order he pointed at them. "This is Justin," he said pointing to the curly haired one, "this is Lance, the blonde one,", "Chris, as you know,and of course....Joey."
Kathryn laughed as they all took a bow as they were introduced. "I'm Kathryn, it's nice to meet all of you!"
Justin looked at her and said mischevously, "The pleasure is ALL mine, believe me!"
Kat smiled and ignored the pleasant shiver she felt when he looked at her.
Making conversation, JC asked why she was there. Kathryn explained her story, and by the time she was done, many other dancers were there, as well as the judges for the dancing. The 5 men realized that they had better leave, and before leaving they wished her good luck. JC and Kathryn exchanged numbers, and the 5 men left. As they left the room, Kathryn could hear the men good naturedly teasing JC.
She grinned. Well, even if she didn't make it onto the tour, at least she had made a few new friends!
Kathryn couldn't get lost in her thoughts though, because a tall, young man stood up and shouted, "All dancers that are trying out, please come to the front of the room right away! ALL DANCERS!"
Kathryn went with all the other people to the front of the room, and there, the man started talking. He told them about life on tour and other various thing and went over contracts. Then, one by one, he took them into a small room. Kathryn waited for a while, then it was her turn! She was led in a room, and the man explained that she was to dance to the tape he was about to play, using her own style if she didn't know the moves. Then as the song came on, Kathryn almost let out a scream of joy. It was, "Oops I did it Again." Kathryn was so happy, since she was so good at dancing to this song. She performed flawlessly, and although she didn't want to seem concieted, she saw the mans look of awe after she was done. Satisfied, she walked back out.
Soon everybody was done with going into the room. The man looked down at his list and back at everybody.
"You all did well today, and although very few of you made it onto the tour, you should be proud of yourselves! I'm going over my list, and please come back here tomorrow at 12, to see if you got in or not. Thank you!"
Kathryn sighed contentedly and quickly changed and went outside. She hailed a taxi and rode back to "The Marriot".
She walked into the lobby and into the elevator. Opening her door, she went to lay on the bed. She decided that she was thirsty, and seeing a vending machine on her floor, she decided to get a Coke. She walked out and bumped into something tall, hard, and curly, then fell to the ground~it was...Justin! For a moment, the two looked at each other in surprise, then realizing the humor of the situation, started laughing hysterically for no reason. Justin helped her up off the ground, and both felt a warm feeling that they quickly ignored.
"What the heck is going o....." started JC as he walked into the hallway. Upon seeing Kathryn, his face lit up a little, and he smiled his winning smile at her. Kathryn stopped laughing, and smiled and exclaimed,
"Hi JC! We meet again!"
"Yup! I guess we do!" He said happily.
By now, the rest of the group had slowly trickled into the hallway, from their rooms. Seeing Kathryn, Joey ran slowly toward Kathryn with his arms outstretched, saying in slow motion, "Kathryn!!"
Kathryn, following into his act, did the same, saying "Joooeeey!"
After a little small talk, Kathryn was invited into Justin and JC's room. The other guys followed, seeing as they had nothing better to do for once.
**Justin's Point of View (P.O.V)**
Wow. She's gorgeous. Those eyes! Well, JC's got dibs on her. Justin?! Are you crazy? You're liking....wait a minute. You're thinking about JC's crush. C'mon boy~you can't DO this! Man, but I mean, every time she looks into my eyes, my knees get weak...God Justin! Justin-stop. Go play nintendo or something. Anything. Play basketball. Just don't think of Kathryn!!!!!
**Kathryn's POV**
Justin sure is hot...i mean JC. JC has those eyes....but so does Justin. WAIT!!! KATHRYN ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!?!!??! A HOT POP STAR OBVIOUSLY HAS A SLIGHT LIKING TO YOU, AND YOU THINK HIS BANDMATE IS CUTE?! Man, your losing your MIND girl! Just go talk to JC. He's sweet, funny...but what about that feeling you get around Justin? Oh forget it. Go do something. Play basketball. Just don't think of Justin!!!!!

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