Enchanted- Chapter 1

Justin rolled to his side and chuckled slightly. 'Women, they never learn, no matter how many times I play games, they never refuse it.I'm beginning to think that they are more ignorant than I ever thought'. He sighed and turned over to see the sleeping figure next to him, he laughed once again, got dressed and left quickly.
Adrienne smild at herself in the mirror,this was it, she was going to move on from him. ' This is exactly what I need, a couple weeks with Josh, and I'll be over Jared just as easy as that' She studied herself in the mirror, she wasn't exactly the most prettiest girl, but she wasn't exactly ugly eithier. She walked out of the bathroom with a new,refreshed glimmer in her eye as she awaited her plane.
"Hey, J.C. what are you so happy about?" Chris said, obviously being nosy.
"Well, my hyper-active, too old to be in a boy-band friend, one of my friends from D.C. is coming to stay with us for a couple of weeks. She just had a really hard break-up, so I offered her to come down here for a little relaxation!" he said, getting excited by the minute.
"Oh, yipee! another torture victim for me! Just be careful with that walking hormone we call 'Justin'"Chris stated with a hint of warning.
"oh, don't worry, she'll survive, she's a strong girl" J.C. said, as if they had nothing to worry about.
"Well, I should get going her plane is suppose to arrive in 30 minutes, check ya later." and with that he got up and left. A couple minutes later Justin walked in a one of the cockiest grins Chris had ever seen.
"You got her didn't you?" he said, knowing all to well what had happened, because it has happened so many times before.
"Of course, told you I never fail." Justin said,knowing no woman ever resisted his charm.
"Did you even say good-bye?" he said, sounded careful as not to step on dangerous grounds with it.
"Of course not" the young man said ' Why do I even need to say good-bye? She was just like the others, it's not like I ever cared or her, but boy was she hard to get. But victory in the end was mine, just like I always knew it would be' With that thought he got up and left the room, to go ponder the thought a little while longer.
"Addy! It's so good to see you. You look great!" J.C. said while he picked her up in a tight, but loving hug..
"Thanks alot Josh, I couldn't wait to get here, I was so excited I thought I was gonna have a breakdown on the flight!" she chuckled at the thought.
J.C. looked at her,' She's so pure and innocent, I just hope Justin try to mess with her' he thought , with a worried look on his face.
"What's wrong?" Adrienne said, starting to become worried as well.
"Oh nothing, just thinking. Come on let's go, I want to introduce you to the other guys" With that they left the airport, catching up on old times on the ride home........................
"Josh you should'e seen it! Chad turned beet red and hid in his room for days he was so emabrassed!"She said laughing so hard she had to catch her breath.
J.C. was laughing as hard except he had tears streaming down his eyes he was laughing so hard.
"Ok, we're hereeeeeeeeeeee!!" J.C. said, while he hoped out of the car to help Adrienne with her bags.
'Ok,deep breaths, you're here to have fun and not once think about himthese next couple of weeks are all about you' with that, Adrienne alked to the front door of the house which she was going to stay in for the last 4 weeks of the summer. She laughed at herself when she saw the mess in this homey, but roomy house, it was perfect.
"Addy, come on let's get your stuff into your room" J'c said as he lead the way helping her with her bags.
She struggled as she tried to get her bags up the stairs.
"Here let me help, I can lift almost anything!" when adrienne looked up she saw a kind looking older man.
"Thanks, I'm Adrienne." she said extending her hand to shake his.
"Hey, I'm Chris, your new master" he said, messing around, he already liked this girl, she was pretty average, with big brown eyes and shoulder length brown hair. But there was something different in her beauty.
"Oh, is that so? Well, I'm sorry, but I think they got our job desriptions screwed up, because they told me that I was supposed to be your new master, hmm. Weird" she was already liking Chris.
"Ok Adrienne, well, get yourself settled in, then we can all chill. I'll introduce you to the rest of the guys and we can order a pizza or something."
When Adrienne decided she had her room the way she wanted it, she put her hair in a messy ponytail and jogged down stairs.
"Hey,hey,hey, so Chris, did you miss your new master already?"
"Oh, of course, I was walking around like a lost puppy without you!"
They were all hanging out in the den, on the couches when all of a sudden two guys came in........
"No Joey, she's not worth it, trust me man, I know about these kinda things." Adrienne heard one of them say.
"Uh, Justin, Joey this is Adrienne, she's going to be staying with us for the rest of the summer.
'Oh, great, another little girl who is going to crush on me, wonderful!' Justin thought as he rolled his eyes.
"Nice to meet you Adrienne." Joey said as he pulled her into a hug.
"You too, by the way I like the red thing you did with your hair." she said, trying not to sound annoyed because of what this Justin guy just did, she already didn't like him. Although she tried to be polite.
"Hello, Justin" she said, extending her hand.
"Uh huh" he said, obviously not interested.
The three other guys could already see trouble brewing.
"So, why don't we order a pizza?"Chris said, trying to relese some of the tension.
"Um, ok, I'll get the phone book, and with that, J.C. got up and left the room."
Everyone got comfortable and involved themselves into a conversation, while Justin and Adrienne stayed as far a way as possible from each other. Adrienne tried not to be obvious about how she was trying to seperate herself from Justin.
'She looks like a child. Very irritating. She doesn't even deserve my thoughts anymore' and with that, Justin left the thought.

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