Enchanted- Chapter 2

'I'm really starting to get sick of his crap,I just to be nice and start a conversation for the 50th time this week and he just answers in one- syllable words, ugh!' Adrienne thought as she stormed out of the den.
Walking up the stairs she ran smack into Lance.
"Oh, I'm so sorry lance , I didn't see you coming!" She said, very frantic.
"It's ok. Why were you going so fast anways?"
"Because of a certain someone in the den, I try to be ever so nice, and he just throws it back into my face!" Adrienne was losing self- control by the second.
"Don't worry about it, he just gets like that. He has alot of things on his mind" Lance said,'He owes me big time for covering his little ass'
"Yeah,well, I guess." 'He's really nice trying to cover-up for Justin's arrogance' She smiled sweetly as she remembered how she only met Lance a couple days ago and she felt as if she could trust him already. 'He has that type of effect on people'
"So what are you guys going to do today? Or are you going to go on another one of your 'excursions'??" she said,referring to the time they told Josh that they would go for ice cream, but came back hours later.
Lance's deep voice escaped a laugh.
"I think everyone is going to do their own thing today, but we're going to the beach tomorrow. Do you want to come?" he asked.
"Ummmmmmmm, let me think about it, OF COURSE I WANT TO GO!" She laughed gently.
"Jusin, why are you so rude to her? Are you afraid she's gonna reject you or something?" Joey said,sounded uncertain.
"Hell no! I just don't think she's worth the trouble of even asking her"Justin stated simply.
"Oh,right, you probably couldn't get her if you tried" Joey said mumbling,becaue he knew what this would lead to.
"Oh, what makes you so sure she's even a challenge?" He said, getting interested
"I don't know if I should tell you....."
"Fine!" Justin said
"Well,ok , maybe because she's a virgin!!!" Joey said.
"Really??" 'this could be interesting, maybe she is worth it. I need to figure out some more'
"Well, Joey, and how exactly do you know this?"
"Do you know why her boyfriend broke up with her??" Joey said , sounding mature for once
"Because she wouldn't have sex with him because she thought it wasn't the 'right time'!"
"Oh, well. I can make it the 'right time'" Justin said without a doubt.
Then he continued as the thought formed in his devious mind........
"Why don't we make a little wager? I bet you I could get her to be mine before she leaves."
"Ok, fine. and if I win, you have to get my one of those girls that always hangs on you."Joey said,leaving out the other half of the bet.
"Ok, and if I win you have to do what I say for a week....."
"Deal." 'Oh god. I hope he doesn't make me do that stupid shit he told me to do last time!!'
Justin and Joey shook hand to seal this deal that would in the end , would obviously hurt someone in the end
"So, Mr. Smooth......how exactly do you plan on achieving this little challenge?"
"Well my friend that is for me to know and you to never find out!" Justin said with a laugh right before they dropped the subject.
"Hey Josh, what's new?" Adrienne said as she walked into his room.
"Oh, Addy, my dear Addy. I only do things that such a young fly like yourself will never comprehend." J.C. said in a a manner that sounded as if he were full of wisdom.
"Surfing the web again, huh?"
"Ok,ok, you got me! So are you going to the beach with us tomorrow?"
"Yup yup!!" Adriennne said with a smile.
"I went shopping for like a week to find the perfect bathing suit and it takes a week for me to get you guys to go to the beach!!!"
J.C. chuckled.
"Well, tomorrow is your big chance" J.C. said before noticing a cloud go over in her eyes.
"What's a matter?"
"Nothing, just thinking about Jared, I know I shouldn't but I can't help it, I'm sorry" she mumbled
"Oh, sweetie, We are here for relaxation, ok?"
"Ok, J.C. Thanks for letting me stay, I love you."
"I love you to honey. Now go get your butt and call that girl Andrea, she wanted to get togther, remember?" J.C. said remebering how she had met the girl in the long line at the grocery store. He smiled thinking how someone could be so sweet to a stranger.
Next day, right before heading to the beach........
"Let's paaarttttyyyy!!" Adrienne said with a giggle as she headed downstairs to leave for the beach.
"Ok, Addy. Calm down, did you take your Ritalin this morning??" J.C. said in a fatherly tone.
"Yess, PaPa Josh of course!"
"Oh master, what shall I do for you now?" Chirs said, while bowing.
"Well, you can get everyone off their lazy asses so we can go already!!" she yelled loud enough for everyone to hear.
"Ok,ok, let's go....." They all said simultaneously...
All except for one...............
"I couldn't agree more" Justin said right before he left.
Adrienne stood in shock......' that's the first time all week that he's said more than two words to me....'
'Well, I got to admit she does look pretty good in that bathing suit' Justin thought as Adrienne tried to get out of her clothes, revealing her dark blue, tight, metllic looking bathing suit.
'It fits her body.....She's not too big in those areas but not too small eitheir' Then Justin shocked himself, that was the first decent thought he had ever thought about her.
"Justin, we're going to the water, wanna come?" Lance asked.
After Justin looked to see what Adrienne was going to do he shook his head.
"No, I think I'll lay out for a little bit".
And with that Lance Shot him a warning look and left.
After him and Adrienne layed down on their towels beside each other, Justin found it to be the perfect opportunity...
"Listen Adrienne,I know I've been acting like a jerk lately......." He was cut off.
"Actually, Asshole is more like it......excuse my language" she said with a fake smile.
"Well, I just wanted to apologize and I was wondering if we could be friends?" 'Good Justin,. Hook,line and sinker. Now just flash that million-dollar-smile'.
"Umm, sure, ok" 'Oh, geez, only because I feel bad for the kid, he thinks he got me with that smile'.
"ok, so where are you from?" Justin asked as he layed down.
"D.C., I'm visiting Josh for the rest of the summer, you?"
"I'm orginally from Memphis Tenesee, but moved down here a while back." he said adding an accent of the 'Memphis Tenesee' part.
"Really? I know a couple people from there."
"Ummmm, it's great place"
"So I've heard." she said, trying to be polite. 'Something is up, why is he all of a sudden talking to me??'
"So, if you don't mind me asking......." and with that Justin shot her a ton of questions with his answers coming right back, but the ones with girls involved were lies.
"You guys, tell me that my eyes are decieving me,or are Justin and Adrienne actually TALKING???" Chris said, as if he were asking if those were aliens not humans.
"You're kidding me?" J.C. in utter shock.
"Good, finally someone knocked some sense into his mirror-loving ass!" Chris said with a huff.
'Let's just see where it goes from here' Joey thought, for he had remained quiet the entire time, not wanting any information to leak.
"Ok, guys, let's play some football!"Chris screamed.
"In the water?" Lance said, not quite sure.
"Yes, LANSTEN, Ok, me and J.C. against you and Joey................"

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