Enchanted- Chapter 3

'No..........no.............no...........no, damn T.V.I hate reruns!' Adrienne thought as she continued to flip through the channels vigorously.
"Hey Adrienne " Justin said in a sly, smooth voice as he sat beside her.
"Hi Justin." Adrienne said paying no mind to him.
'Damn, this is the third day since the beach where she just answers absently, very fiesty, I like it. Wow, Timberlake, what the hell was that? she's a bet, but very interesting...' Justin thought as one of his devious smiles crept onto his face.
"So, Adrienne, since you look bored, why don't I take you to go play pool or something?"
'God, could he sound like he wanted to do it because he actually WANTS to? Might as well go, I have nothing else to do'
"Ummm, sure" she said, trying to be nice, she really hadn't been nice they made amends three days ago.
"Great I know this great place just a couple of miutes away" and with that Justin got up and left out the door to start the car"
"Ok, what was that he just leaves and doesn't be a gentlemen?, oh well, some guys are just like that" she said to herself as she got up and left.
They rode in silence, and for once, only a limited amount of hostility between the two intractable teens.
She glanced his way, seeing a person but not actually seeing him.
'Why does he put on a mask and masquerade his true feelings and thoughts?'
She turned and peered out at the passing figures.
She was so engulfed in her thoughts, trying to analyze why he was the way he was with people, when she hadn't even noticed that Justin had actually been staring at her as well.
'She truly does have a glow bout her, and for once I wonder what she's like, as a person, as an individual..................where did that come from?'
Justin thought as he scolded himself for having such thoughts, for he had no idea where such unobtrusive thoughts came from, but deep down he knew, he knew to a detail why. But that thought was dismissed back into the obscure corners of his mind.
"We're here." he stated simply but those words took her out of her ever-lasting enthrallment with the thought.
No words were spoken in those few minutes but so many thoughts of which they thought never existed came into the light, inreasing their chances of becoming friends.
"Ok, so I can bet you five bucks that I can whoop your ass at this game." he said, sounding somewhat nice and playful.
"You're on" and for once she was sincere with her words, even if they had no affiliation with their disposition.
After tying with Adrienne winning three and Justin winning three, a drak figure loomed over Adrienne. He glanced up and saw a man that looked so intriguing with his dark features.
"Hello, my name is David, I see you've been here for a while, care to join me for a game?" he said, leaving Adrienne's mouth slightly ajar at the deepness of his voice, similar to lance's.
"Hi David, I'm Adrienne, sure I would love to join you for a game, I'm tired of whooping this guy!" her voice let a gentle chuckle escape.
Justin just stood there, his face showing no emotions or expressions.
'What does he think he's doing? he is going to ruin my game plan! Ok,Justin, just calm down, think...........Ah! I know, let's see who will work.....' he deleberated as he glanced, then his eyes landed on a young, petite girl. 'Perfect' he thought as he strutted towards her.
"Hey, I'm Justin, and you are?" he said, while he put on his best smile.
"Oh my god, I'm a REALLY big fan!I just,like, completely love your music!, by the way, i'm Lisa!!" she said, being an obvious airhead.
It was times like this that he thanks the owner of the pool place for keeping it an 18 and over place.
"Really? thanks alot, our fans mean alot" 'Geez, how many times do I have to say that damn line?'
"So, do you want to shoot some pool?" he questioned, ever so slyly (Author's note : This word is SLY but used in the right grammar, I know, it sounds funky, well, continue reading, and remember....SEND FEEDBACK!!)
"Yeah of course!" she said, twisting her hair, apparently trying to be flirty. 'A complete turn off, but she'll have to do' he thought as he walked towards the pool table, hoping a certain-someone was watching.
Adrienne looked over to where Justin was and she got distracted to what David was saying. 'I can't believe this, trying to make me jealous, well, it didn't work! Especially not with some blonde bimbo'
"Adrienne,Adrienne? Are you listening?" David said as he noticed she was looking at Justin with a look of digust.
"Ahhh, I see. Adrienne, he's trying to make you jealous, but I have a feeling it isn't working" he spoke as if he had crawled into her mind and read her thoughts utterly clearly.
She averted her gaze from his pool table and looked at David, he had such a sincereness in his eyes.
"Yeah, I don't get it. it's like he is TRYING to get me to fall for him, but his games are so unconvincing."
"I see, well, give it time, become friends, let him realize that you are a person who doesn't fall for those reprising games."
"Geez David. Next time I have a problem you'll be number one on my 'people to call if you need advice' list." she said with a laugh, her and David were becoming fast friends already.
"Good-bye David!" Adrienne said as she gave him a friendly, departed hug in the parking lot.
"Remember we have to get together for lunch sometime! You got my number, right?" He spoke in that blant,deep voice.
"You know it!" She said, right before she turned to see Justin saying good-bye to his bimbo.
"Justy baby, why do you have to go?" Lisa said with a pout.
'Oh,god, and I thought I saw the worst of them!'
He smiled sweetly and right before he was going to say a smart-ass comment, he saw Adrienne peering over at them out of the corner of his eye. He looked at Lisa once more, 'Does it really leave me a choice?'
He leaned down and kissed Lisa blankly.
"Bye Justy, Call me!"
'Yeah right' he thought as he smiled.
"Sure Lisa, I will!" he said, actually sounding convincing.
They rode in silence until Justin decided to say something.
"So are you and David 'together' now?" Justin said his words brimming with sarcasm.
"I wouldn't be talking. You and Lisa were getting pretty cozy tonight with that kiss" she said vancantly, showing no signs of any emotions.
"And, not that it's any of your buisness, but David isn't into the opposite sex thing" she said with a smirk.
"You mean he's gay?!?!" Justin said,stifling on his words.
"Yes, now don't we feel shitface" she said.
"Well,I'm,uh,sorry" he said, mumbling his words.
"What did you say, I didn't quite hear you" she said, trying to place a torture on him.
"I'm sorry, oh, look at that we're home, and I'm going to bed, goodnight!" he said in a swiftly manner, and quickly got up and went into the house.
'I don't know if I ever met a more confusing person than that boy right there...................'

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