Enchanted- Chapter 4

(Author's note::Ok, I just wanted to say 'thanks' to those people who sent feedback :) And in the beginning of this chapter the names of two books are mentioned, the names and plots of them are completely fictional, I got it off of the top of my head, OK, on with the chapter..........::)

'I was slowly being swallowed into the abyss, which was leading me down a pathway of fear and desperation. Although I fight it every which way possible, as everyday passes it seems to be my destiny. One in which I prayed was not. But my prayers were not answered. For as I lay here, now, explaining to you my dreadful future, one in which I avoided. I am now surrendering to the undesired pathway of my life..................'
"BOO!" Justin screamed into Adrienne's ear.
"Justin I'm trying to read here." 'I try to have some piece and quiet but he just has to ruin it'
She Grinned as she continued the thought....
"Something you'll probably never learn to do"
"Ouch, right for the heart, what are you reading anyway?" Justin asked curiously.
"It's called 'Destiny'...and may I add, what books have you EVER read?" she asked with one eyebrow cocked.
"Well, I finished reading 'Image' last night and may I add..." he said, mocking her.
"It was quite good." He said.
Adrienne's facial muscles relaxed a bit and a smile threatened to form on her face.
'Bingo! I found the spot' Justin thought with a sense of being proud of himself.
"Well, it was good, but I didn't like the way it was a third person point of view, it would've been better with varying thoughts..." Adrienne was becoming excited at the thought that they were actually having an intellectual conversation with him.
"Good point, So what are you going to do today?" Justin asked.
"My friend Andrea is coming by and I was thinking about having dinner with David."
Justin felt a blush creep up at the mention of David, as he remembered last night's events.
"Who is Andrea? Is she cute?" Justin asked, gaining curiosity.
"Whoa, calm down. She's my friend I met a couple of days ago and she is TAKEN, so don't try to make a move on her." Adrienne said, smiling remembering the day they met in line at the grocery store. 'She's one of those people that I instantly click with. Very sweet...'
"I won't, I mean she DOES have a boyfriend...."Justin said in a dreamy type of voice. 'I really do need a woman right now, so she can take my frustrations away' He snickered at the thought.
"Justin, give me your word on it." Adrienne said unrelenting.
"You have my word on it." 'Sucker'
"Adrienne!" a young girl said as she ran up and hugged Adrienne.
"Hey Andrea, let's go swimming!!!" she said, for they had made plans earlier to do so.
As the girl's started chatting away walking towards the pool, suddenly something sprung up from behind them and jumped into the pool.
"Justin! damn it you scared me." Adrienne said, regaining he composure.
"Awwww,poor baby. Aren't you going to be courteous and introduce me to this lovely woman on your right." He said, flashing a smile towards Andrea that would make girls go weak in the knees.
Adrienne sent him an evil glare as to remind him of his promise.
"Andrea, this is Justin. Justin this is Andrea" Justin had to admit, she was pretty, she had shoulder length blonde hair, nice tan, very small frame but full body. Every guy's dream......
"Hi Justin.........." Andrea said
"Hello Andrea, why don't you come in the pool already?" he said being very flirty.
"Sure" Andrea said with a giggle.
'What's this? I've never seen Andrea act like this. Oh but what girl wouldn't fall for Mr. Heartthrob's charm.' Adrienne thought as she rolled her eyes. She hoped Justin was ready for the speech he was going to get.
"Justin may I see you inside for a minute?" Adrienne said with a sweet smile.
"Sure, but make it fast we can't keep this beautiful princess all by herself." He said with a wink towards Andrea.
Andrea looked down and blushed as she got into the pool.
"What are you thinking? You gave me your word!!!!" Adrienne said as soon as they were in the kitchen right beside the pool.
"Oops, I forgot about that!"
"OK Timberlake, but don't forget this. I will never take your word for anything again, you just blew your chance of me EVER believing you!" Adrienne said as she left with a smirk, he didn't know what was coming to him.
'Yea, right. She'll believe whatever I say.' Justin thought as he walked out of the kitchen and into the pool.
Andrea spent the time flirting with Justin while they were in the pool, until she had to leave.
"Bye Adrienne,......"
"Listen, I'm sorry I don't know what got a hold of me, but I just haven't flirted in a while! I'm sorry, but geez girl you are one lucky girl to be living with him!!"she whispered.
"It's only temporary, and lucky isn't the word I would use...."She thought. She could never stay mad at people who were sweet like Andrea so she forgave her at that moment.
"Bye" and with that Adrienne went upstairs to shower because she was going to have a little dinner with David.
Adrienne got out of the shower drying her hair with a trail of steam following her into her room.
She walked in and Justin was laying in her bed looking at the ceiling.
"Justin, what are you doing here?" she asked as she walked towards the bed.
"I came to see you" he said in a seductive tone as he pulled her by her waist onto the bed. He laid her down and climbed on top.
'Oh, this is too funny to pass up'
"Justin I don't know if I'm ready, I mean what if I wake up and you're gone and you ignore me the rest of the time I'm here?" Adrienne said in an innocent voice.
"Baby, I give you my word it won't be like that." He whispered as he began kissing her neck slowly, with little, passionate kisses. He had hot-blood surging through his veins.
She pulled his head up to where their faces were only about an inch apart and he felt the steam on her. She breathed heavily and grazed his lips with her thumb.
"So you want this" she whispered as she brought her lips closer to his.
Justin licked his lips.
"Yeah" he barely made it out of his voice, he never knew she could turn him on this much.
"Well, baby....." he started and as her lips almost touched his, she moved out of the way so he hit the frame of the bed.
"You can't have it! Your word means nothing. I told you already ." She said with a smirk.
"Now leave"
"Ahhhhh. Adrienne why do you have to be so difficult???"he said in frustration.
"I have my reasons." She said.
Just then he figured out what to do.
"Ok, I'm sorry, but can we at least be friends? I mean like no smart-ass comments,etc.??" he asked sounding hopeful.
"Well, I know I can take up my end of the deal, but I'm not sure you can take yours." She asked as she raised an eyebrow, a habit she had developed the last couple of days.
"I will! This time I promise to you." He said. 'This is harder than I thought.'
"Friends?" he said.
"OK, Friends." she said sealing their friendship

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