Enchanted- Chapter 5

(Author's Note:: Thanks to Daunielle for helping me with this chapter, she's a Savior :p.Visit her AWESOME site here...http://www.angelfire.com/me2/dauni/fanfic.html. Well, I'm going on a mini vacation for about a week and a half, so it'll be that long until I write Chapter 6!!::)

The next day......
'Florida is all about warm days and sunny rays' Adrienne sarcastically thought to herself while glancing up at the vast gray skies.
As Adrienne was drifting into a fiction wonderland of her own, Justin came out onto the lawn.
"Um, Adrienne. Where is everyone?" Justin said while sleepily rubbing his eyes and yawning at similar times.
Adrienne looked up from her position on the hammock.
"The rest of the guys went grocery shopping, and they didn't want to wake................." Adrienne was suddenly interrupted by a downpour of rain coming from the heavens, soaking both Adrienne and Justin.
Simultaneously, they both ran inside, Adrienne shrieking the entire way.
"Just great! Now we're soaked." Adrienne's statement was finished with a roll of thunder and electricity cutting off.
"Could things get ANY worse? Justin, where are your candles?" Adrienne said, taking charge of the situation.
"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we don't have candles........except for this one small one that we kept as a memory from the road."
"UGHHHHH" Adrienne said in frustration.
"OK, let's just get changed and then meet down here so we have some light."
"OK, I'll get the candle" Justin said, and with that they headed for their rooms, careful as not to trip over anything,"
"OK, here it is." Justin said while placing the candle in the space between them.
Adrienne suddenly burst into a fit of laughter.
"What's so funny?" Justin said, with abashed expression.
"What in god's name is that? It's a candle?" she said, laughing harder at the site of the so-called 'candle'
"I told you it was small!"Justin said.
"Sooo....." Adrienne started, trying to fill the awkward silence.
"What were you supposed to be doing tonight anyway?"
"Well, I was going to meet up with some girl. I pity the girl, really. She's pathetic." He said, dismissing the thought.
"Justin, that is so rude. The girl was probably wishing for this day and you are only going out with her because you pity her?!? That is pathetic" Adrienne stated.
"And cause she was gonna gimme some....."
"Justin! that was the most inconsiderate thing a guy can do! Do you think she's just some type of toy you can play with when you want? You'll probably break the girl's heart!" Adrienne stormed off tripping on one or two steps along the way. 'The nerve!!'
Justin just sat in shock.
'What the hell was that? I've seen her mad, but damn!Fine if this is what she wants to be like that then so be it. God, she's so..........ugh!!!!' Justin contemplated, carrying on a conversation and analysis in his mind.
A hour and a half later.....
'I really had no need to blow up at him like that, it's none of my business what he does to girls or does with them.......but he is probably so pissed at me right now..................' Adrienne thought for the tenth time in the past hour and a half.
Meanwhile, Justin was still seated in the same spot he was when Adrienne blew up.
'That's it, I'm going up there and giving her a piece of my mind! The nerve of her!!' Justin thought as he climbed the steps slowly, as if not to fall, for the electricity was still out.
"Adrienne! Adrienne!" Justin said as he pounded his fists on her door.
"What?!?!?" she said while flinging the door open. They could barely see each other, but tried as best as they could.
"I think you had no need for an outburst like the one down stairs!I was speaking to you as a friend and you judged my decisions when you had no right to."
"So?" she said, while trying to come up with an excuse, she hated admitting she was wrong to people like Justin.
"God Adrienne, you are impossible to deal with!" Justin said as he threw his hands up into the air while heading towards his room warily, so he wouldn't trip.
'Whatever' Adrienne thought as she rolled her eyes and closed the door.
As Adrienne laid down the guilt weighed down on her as each minute passed.
'It's obvious were gonna keep fighting until one of us apologizes, I might as well be that person. But he won't talk to me now, I'm just going to have to find a way to make it up to him...'
Just as Adrienne heard the door open she came up with the perfect idea, she just hoped it would work.
"Addy? Justin?" J. C. bellowed, getting murmurs in reply.
"Oh they got into another fight! They are so damn complicated!" J.C. said, just as the last words left his mouth, the electricity came back on.
"Tell me about it, I don't think those two an go a whole day without fighting in some way." Chris said while the rest of the guys tried to bring in the groceries.
"Addy, what happened now?" J.C. said. They were in his room the next afternoon.
"You guys have been ignoring each other since last night."
"Josh, he is so damn confusing! And irritating and arrogant and...."
"Addy? I think I get the point. But it's obviously put you guys under a lot of stress and it's drainging your energy just by arguing with him. So do us a favor and make up already! You've been here for a week, and you've fought like 10 times!" J.C. stated, getting frustrated with the young girl in front of him.
"Josh, I'm sorry. I'm working on the whole 'making up' part. I guess the fight was mainly my fault." Adrienne said as she started telling the events of the night before.
"Justin? Justin? Can you come down here for a minute?" Adrienne said, yelling it up the stairs.
"What do you want Adrienne?" Justin said, bearly understandable.
"Just come down here please."
'This girl is causing me so much trouble, and she's just a bet! Well, sometimes she is anyway.' Justin shook the thoughts from his head as he walked down the stairs.
"What do you want?"
"Follow me, please." Adrienne said as she headed towards the backyard.
As Justin stepped out there, he saw a blanket spread out with candles everywhere and a radio playing music in the background. He did his best to stifle his laugh when he saw the pizza box and milk out.
"You did all of this?" he asked.
"Yes, take it as my apology." Adrienne said.
"Apology accepted." He said. 'It was nice of her to do all of this. No, she's still a bet. Probably one of the best lay I'll ever get. A challenge.'
When they sat down, Justin said laughing his contagious laughter.
"Pizza and milk?" He said in between breaths.
Then they both started laughing while Adrienne explained that she didn't know how to cook, and was afraid she'd burned down the kitchen if she tried to cook.
'She really is beautiful when she laughs like that, I almost feel bad for what I have to do.' Justin thought.
'At least we're making some progress' Adrienne thought to herself.
And the rest of the night was mostly in silence, getting accustomed to the thought of having each other together without fighting.
Maybe they actually were becoming friends.

(Authors note:: I'd REALLY like to know what you thought of this chapter, it took awhile to think of, but it came good with the help of Daunielle, I gotta fit that piece of info in again!::)

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