Get Nominated!

To be nominated, make sure you've read the rules, which the link can be found on the main award page. If your story or a story you want to nominate, fits the requirements than your practically done with getting nominated. All you need to do now is send me your link or your story depending if its on a website or not. In the email, tell me which catagories your nominating the story for and I'll get back to with further instructions. Email me at or Also, by nominating a story, whether its your own or someone else's, you will recieve prizes! Look below for more info. on the nominating prize. Hope to hear from you soon!
Nominate someone:
1-4 Times= 1 Great, exclusive pic of 'N Sync
5-9 Times= 3 Great, exclusive pics of 'N Sync
10+ Times= 5 Great, exclusive pics and a hard to find WAV of 'N Sync

NOTE TO ALL: You will recieve these "prizes" when the voting is closed. Be patient, I will get to all of you.

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