Let's Make Luv

::Baby I've been drifting away
And dreaming all day
Of holding you, touching you
The only thing I wanna do is be with you
As close to you as I can be::

"Lance I love you," Jessica whispered in the dark to the body lying next to her, both warm bodies wrapped in the heavy blue comforter. Lance shifted and Jessica could feel his eyes on her. She pulled his face to hers and she kissed him with all the feelings she had been holding back until the night they had awaited to give themselves to one another. It had been only hours since they had said the 2 words of love and devotion to each other and in front of their families. They both knew that it would happen, each one just awaiting the other to make the first move. A soft moan escaped Jessica's lips as Lance tasted what she had held inside for the 2 years they had been together. They both pushed the blankets off as they sat up to strip each other of the little clothing that each was wearing, great gentless filling each pull of the garments. Lance's touch sent chills over her body as she sat naked in the dark as well as Lance. She felt him leave their bed and light filled the room as a fireplace was lit at the foot of their bed. Jessica's eyes weren't ready to find Lance's erection across the room. As she watched him walk back to the bed she got butterflies in her stomach, his body glistening with a light sweat from the flames.
"I love you too Jessica," he said, kissing her neck, down to each of her breasts slowly but surely. She giggled as his stubbly chin grazed her thigh and hovered over her center. He kissed it and then worked it with his index finger, Jessica holding his shoulders and bucking her hips with every move he made. He licked his fingers in satisfaction and soon held his body over hers. "Are you ready baby?" Lance asked, great concern in his voice as he saw her suprised expression from his dirty methods. Jessica nodded her head and braced herself as he slowly inserted himself in her.

::Let's make love
All night long
Until our strength is gone
Hold on tight
Just let go
I want to feel you in my soul
Until the sun comes up
Let's make love::

Jessica had never felt a pain so great in her body and tears couldn't be held back. Lance gazed into her eyes and soon the pain subsided, giving way to a pleasure that Lance gave her, quite unimaginable to any woman other than herself. She moved with his pace as he held her back to his chest, her body overcome with sensations greatly enjoyed.
"Oh- Lance!" escaped a moan from Jessica's lips. Her breathing was uneven and so was his, his panting in her ear sending her over the edge and into a world of great pleasures unknown to anyone else on earth. Lance soon shook the bed, entering his own pleasure filled world for only moments before kissing Jessica and letting himself go inside her. Jessica did the same and as their hot bodies layed together thoughts ran through both of their minds.

::Do you know what you do to me
Everything inside of me
Is wanting you, needing you
I'm so in love with you
Look in my eyes
Let's get lost tonight
In each other::

Jessica turned on her side to find Lance still asleep. The last night was as if only a dreamt fantasy in her mind, her body still recovering. She couldn't help but peak under the blankets to see if his body was still bare. She smiled to herself finding it was and then ran her fingers softly over his lips and through his hair. Lance stirred and found Jessica simply laying next to him and watching him sleep. Lance smiled and wrapped his arm around her.
"Last night was amazing... so what are we doing tomorrow night?" Lance asked her, laughing in his deep bass tone that sent chills over Jessica's body. Lance felt the chills and smiled a sly smile that had never layed across his lips. "I think I know what that means..." Lance smiled, trailing off and slipping under the blankets.

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