New Life...New Love- Chapter 1

"Jill, don't you love this place?" my best friend and room mate, Lauren, asked.

"Yeah, Orlando is definitely a big step up from New Jersey. I'm so glad we decided to take a break from school and spend a semester here." The two of us were having a blast just relaxing in the backyard taking in the strong rays of sun. About two hours later, we decided we had fried our skin enough and we should get ready for our first night out in Orlando. Together, we chose to check out the newest and hottest club in Orlando, Ilusions.

"Jill, I have nothing to wear! Help me!" Lauren called from her room, breaking my thoughts.

"I'll be there in a second, i'm almost done getting myself ready!" I called, putting the finishing touches of make-up on. After twenty minutes of going through piles of Lauren's closing and finally agreeing on the perfect pair of black leather pants and a navy triangular tube top, we were ready to go. We hopped into my car and were on our way.

"I'm so pshyced! I hope there are some hot Florida guys there," exclaimed Lauren.

"I know what you mean, i'm ready to move on from those New Jersey boys to these Orlando men! This is going to be the best vacation ever!" With that we both screamed a "woo" and turned the turned the radio up to a blasting volume.

"...and now, here's a hot new song from that group we all know you love, it's 'N Sync with ...". In mid cheer, the both of just quieted down to a silence and listened to the slow ballad.

"This song is so sweet. " I said in amazement, as we pulled up to the in front of the crowded club.

"I know; definitly wedding-song material," Lauren said as she anxiously scanned through the line in front of the club in search of a decent looking guy.

"Wow, that's a really long line." Jill said as I looked in awe."Do you want me to get a spot in line while you park?" I asked.

"Sure, sounds good. See ya in a few," she replied. I got out of the car and quickly to the back of the never ending line. A few minutes past, and there was still no sign of Lauren.

"Excuse me but, um, is this the end of the line?" a smooth, cool voice asked. 'Uh, yeah...what kinda or airheaded question is that?' I thought to myself. I turned around to answer, and was met with the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen. He was tall, extremely attractive with blonde-brown, curly hair, and a pair of blue eyes that anyone could get lost in. "Hello? Anyone there?" he joked around, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Oh! Um, yeah it is the end. I'm Jill." I introduced myself, sticking out my hand in a frenzy.

"Well hello there Jill. I'm Justin, and it looks like we're going to be here for a while, aren't we?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows with his perfect lips spread out in a devlish grin.

I smiled back and let a giggle escape. This was going to be a long night.

Chapter 2
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