New Life...New Love- Chapter 11

Lauren ran up towards Justin and pushed him to the ground.

“Lauren! Get off!” Justin called.

“Lauren! Everything’s ok now!” I shouted.

“But he’s with Britney, and he lied and, and…”Lauren went on and on, but noticed Justin getting up and wrapping his arms around my waist. She saw the way we looked into each others eyes “Oh, never mind.”

“Everything they said on the TV was a lie,” Justin declared happily.

“Everything except your in ‘N Sync and are the dream guy of all teenage girls,” I said. Justin gave a short little laugh.

“What’s going on?” we heard JC call. The guys had heard Lauren yelling and came running outside.

“Nothing, just a little misunderstanding,” Lauren said; she was a little embarressed to start a scene.

“Ok…”Chris said, obviously he was confused, but that was a regular thing for him.

“But, I thought you two were fighting and she wasn’t speaking to you?” Joey curiously asked.

“Not anymore,” I said, smiling to Justin.

“Alright, we might as well go back inside,” JC suggested.

“Sure,” Lauren said. She hopped onto Joey’s back and got a ride up to the door. I started walking and noticed Justin staying behind some.

“What’s wrong sweetie?” I asked. He was rubbing his arm.

“Nothing, it’s just that it’s not everyday somebody meets a wonderful girl like you,” Justin said looking into my eyes. I walked up to him and was immediately wrapped in a hug.

“That’s really sweet Justin. I’m so lucky to have found a guy like you too,” I looked up into Justin’s eyes and we just stood there, staring into one another’s eyes. He leaned in for a kiss. Before anything else happened, I interrupted the silence.

“We better get inside,” I said walking ahead. ‘Why did I do that! I want to kiss him so badly!’ I screamed to myself. Justin then ran up behind me and carried me into the house.

“Justin! Put me down,” I playfully yelled.

“As you wish my lady,” he said in an English accent, placing me on the front step. I let out a little laugh.

“Thank you sir,” I replied with an English accent as well. We both laughed at our stupid little accents. Justin reached in front of himself and pulled the door open. He motioned me to walk inside first, which I did giving him a thanking nod. He closely followed behind. We walked into the hall and turned a corner into the room we were in before. To our surprise, no one was there.

“Where are they?” I asked Justin.

“I don’t know,” he answered. “WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?” he yelled at the top of his lungs. Just then, Chris came running in the room.

“God Justin, can you get any louder? We’re playing hide and seek!” he explained.

“Hide and seek?” Justin asked.

“Um…aren’t you a little too old for hide and seek Chris?” I added.

“Hell no! I’m only 27...or is it 28? Doesn't matter anyway, i'm having fun! I’m supposed to be counting now with Lance, you guys can count too,” he directed us. Chris led us over in the kitchen where we joined Lance.

“65…66…67…68…69…70!” With the final number we started looking all over the house for Joey, Lauren, and JC. Chris ran ahead of us with Lance behind him trying to catch up. This left Justin and I hand in hand walking in the other direction.

“Where should we start looking?” I asked him.

“The bedroom?” he suggested with an playful grin on his face.

“Sure, follow me,” I said leading him into the room where Joey and Lauren had been “touring” before. Soon, Justin entered the room after me and was standing in front of me. My hand was still on the doorknob and as soon as he leaned in for a kiss, I opened the door and ran out as fast as I could.

“Hey! Where are you going! Wait up!” he called after me. I could hear his footsteps behind me, but not too close behind. I ran up the stairs in a fit of laughter and ran into a room. ‘Where should I hide?’ I frantically thought. ‘Ah hah!’ I said to myself as I saw the bed. With that, I crawled underneath the bed where it was pitch black. I waited a couple of seconds and caught my breath. I heard Justin’s footsteps out side the doorway.

“Come out, come out where ever you are.” He called to me. I let out a little laugh but then quickly covered my mouth so my hiding spot wouldn’t be given up. I decided to move I little farther underneath the bed. As I tried to accomplish this a hit something. I didn’t know what it was so I took my hand and touched something beside me. ‘What is that?’ I thought to my self. I put my hand on the top of the figure and felt what I thought was somebody’s face. ‘Yeah, that’s a face alright, a nose, a mouth, eyes’

“AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” the figure beside me screamed, followed by the sound of a scream from me.

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