New Life...New Love- Chapter 12

“What the…?” I heard a voice come from outside.
“JC?” I asked.
“Jill?” he replied. This caused us to burst out into a fit of laughter.
“Is everything ok down there,” I heard Justin and Lance call to us.
“Yeah…we’re…fine…” I said between laughter. JC got out first then helped me out. I had to lean on him to control my laughter, which he was enraged in too. Justin walked into the room, followed by Lance, Lauren, and Joey who all gave us looks like we were weirdos and out of our minds.
“Hey guys, where’s Chris?” Lance asked.
“He’s supposed to be counting…don’t tell me he’s hiding,” Joey said.
“We better go find him,” Lance said back. Just then a loud bang went off which cause me to stop laughing and jump up a little. ‘Ok, it’s just thunder, calm down’ I told myself. Justin came over and wrapped his arms around me.
“It’s ok, I’m here to keep you safe,” he whispered in my ear which caused a chill to run down arms. Then, what sounds like buckets of rain started pouring down.
“Man, I hate thunder storms,” Joey said.
“Oh, poor Joe is afraid of the big bad rain drops and loud thunder? Poor Joey,” I said in a baby voice pinching his cheek.
“Hey, I’m not the one who jumped up when the thunder started,” he said pointing a finger at me.
“I don’t know what your talking about Joseph,” I replied trying to hide my smile.
“Anyway, let’s go find Chris before the power goes off or something,” JC said leading the way out of the door. Just then, as if it was planned or something, the power went off. Lauren and I both screamed as we tried to find our guys to hold on too. It’s not that we’re afraid of the dark, it’s just that we’d rather be in a power outage with our guys than alone. I tried to feel my way towards Justin. On the way I hit a nose.
“Ow! Who hit my nose?” Lance asked. ‘Oopsy’ I thought trying to keep quiet. Just then, I was enwrapped in a huge hug with strong arms around my waist. I knew it was Justin so I kissed his cheek.
“That’s the way I like it baby!” Justin said in his southern accent which cause me to laugh. We all managed to feel our way the stairs.
“Chris? Where are you my dreaded little friend?” I called into the darkness. No answer.
“CHRIS! Turn the power back on now and come out!” Lauren shouted. Still, no answer.
“Chris, if your not out in 5 seconds there are no more tacos for a month!” JC called out. With that, Chris came out from a nearby closet and ran towards us.
“Ok, ok, ok, I’m out now. Geez, don’t start threatening me about my tacos!” he exclaimed.
“Chris, you didn’t turn the power back on!” Joey pointed out.
“Why do I need to do that, I didn’t turn the power off,” he retorted.
“Yes you did, you were the only one down here,” I said back into the darkness.
“It wasn’t me! I was hiding the whole time!” he stated.
“Wait, if you didn’t turn the power off, than who did…?” Lauren cautiously asked.

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