New Life...New Love- Chapter 13

The scared look on Lauren’s face and the rest of the guy’s faces made me burst out in laughter.
“Um, Jill, this isn’t a time to be laughing. There’s a psycho in the house,” Lance pointed out. This just made me laugh even more.
“Jill, we’re gonna die! Stop laughing!” Lauren worriedly exclaimed.
“You…guys…actually…believe...Chris!” I managed to say between giggles. “He’s just fooling around and TRYING to be funny,” I added, playfully hitting him in the arm. The rest of the group looked around to see if they believed me or not.
“Damn, I thought I actually had you guys for a second!” Chris disappointedly whined.
“Chris, before you try to pull something on us, make sure it’s not the oldest trick in the book,” I retorted.
“Justin, I like the way she thinks,” Jc said admiringly.
“Me too,” he said with a huge grin, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer towards him. After we made Chris go downstairs and turn the power on, we all gathered in the living room and just hung out and talked. Before we knew it, it was almost 2 am and Lauren and I still needed to drive home.
“Uh oh, sorry to break the bad news but Jill and I should get going. It’s late and we gotta drive home,” Lauren sadly told the guys.
“Yeah, I guess your right,” Joey said with a frown.
“But don’t think you two are getting away that easily, we’ll be calling ya’ll real soon,” Justin said while winking at me. I returned the wink with a smile. We all gave each other goodbye hugs and kisses(only to certain guys, if ya catch my drift). As soon as we left the house and got into the car, we sunk into our seats and thought of the awesome night we had just experienced. After a couple of seconds in a reverie, I pulled the car out of the driveway and we were on our way home. All I could think was, “Great guys, great time, great night” I think I was beginning to like Orlando more than I expected.

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