New Life...New Love- Chapter 14

For the past two weeks Lauren and I had been spending tons of time with guys. We saw them practically ever day, especially Justin and Joey. We had grown extremely close to them and the rest of the guys; they were considered our best friends and vice versa. But, now it was time to say goodbye. The guys had to leave for their Summer US Tour.
“Justin, I’m going to miss you so much,” I said while tears grew in my eyes. We were at the Orlando International Airport saying goodbye to the guys. “I can’t believe we aren’t going to see you guys for six months. I don’t know If I can manage without you. We have gotten so close, I love you so much,” I choked out, letting the tears freely fall down my face. The guys were leaving for sixth months because they had promotions and appearances to make around the world after their tour ended. I reached for the necklace he gave me. It had a silver chain with a promise ring on it. Engraved on it was ‘J and J Forever’.
“Don’t worry. I will always be with you because I love you, and true love lasts. Plus, I’ll call you every chance I get and I’ll write you everyday. I won’t let go of what we have,” he assured me. I noticed his eyes get a little cloudy.
“Final boarding call for flight 364 to California,” the flight attendant on the loudspeaker blurted out. Lauren and I hugged Jc, Chris, and Lance and gave them a kiss on the cheek. But when we reached our boyfriends, we really started to get emotional.
“So, I guess this is goodbye Justin,” I said, taking his hands into mine, and letting a tear crawl down my face. He wiped away the tear with his thumb and took my face gently into his hands.
“No, there is no goodbye’s. Let’s just say ‘until next time’.” He quietly said. We then shared or final kiss and hug. By now, tears were running down each of our faces.
“Until next time Justin,” I said as he slowly began walking towards the gate.
“Until next time,” he said back. With that said, he turned around and continued to walk.
“Bye Joey!” Lauren tearfully called. Joey turned around waved, gave a smile, and walked away. We watched our best friends disappear from our lives that day. Lauren and I were just left standing in the crowded airport, watching our lives disappear. We couldn’t stay to see the plane take off or we would cry even harder. So, we decided to walk back to our car. We began walking, then I turned around one last time to see the plane.
“Until next time Justin”

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