New Life...New Love- Chapter 15

The Year---2001
“And cut! That’s a wrap! Great job you guys! Jill, you were phenomenal!” The director shouted. I had just finished filming my second movie. I was leading a new life once again. I had moved from Orlando, Florida to New York City last year. Lauren, stayed in our house in Florida because she began attending Florida State. We still talk on the phone, but I don’t get a lot of time to do it ever since my schedule is extremely busy. I had accomplished my dream to be a successful actress and make it big. I’ve been in two hit movies so far, but now I’ll have a 2 month break to just relax and go on vacation!
“Hey Jill, do you wanna catch a bite to eat?” my castmate asked.
“Um…no thanks, I’m beat. I’m just going to go home and relax.” I replied.
“Ok, see ya later.” He said as he walked away. I got into my BMW, and pulled out of the parking lot. As I was driving, memories came flooding into my mind. Memories of Justin and how we used to be in love. He promised he’d write and call every chance he could get, but gradually, the letters and calls stopped coming completely. We lost touch and I haven’t heard from him in almost a year. But, all I knew was that ‘N Sync was still as popular as they were back in 1999, maybe even more popular. I finally reached my penthouse apartment building, I made my way through the lobby. I was stopped by a couple of fans, signed autographs and ten minutes later I was plopped down on my couch. After a couple of relaxing minutes, I got up to press the button to check my messages.
* Beep * “Jill, it’s Steven Spielberg. I just called to tell you that you did a great job today. Congratulations! This movie’s gonna be a hit! Take care.”
* Beep * “Jill, it’s your mother. How is everything in New York? I haven’t heard from you in a while. Blah, blah, blah…” My mom always goes on and on and on.
* Beep * “Hey chica! It’s Lauren!” This message made me listen. “I was just wondering if you would like to come down to Orlando to visit, since you finished filming today? How did it go? I hope everything’s great. Call me back as soon as you get this. Buhbye!”
As soon as the machine stopped with the messages, I picked up the phone and dialed Lauren’s number. Two rings later, she picked up.
“Hey Laur! It’s Jill”
“Hey! I haven’t talked to you in a while!” she said.
“I know, I’ve been really busy. Well anyway, I got your message.” I informed her.
“And? Can you come?” she impatiently asked. I then noticed the voices in the backround. It sounded like a bunch of guys. “Shhhhh you guys!” she called to the people in the backround. “Um, I don’t have a new guy. There’s no one here but me.” She said, obviously trying to hide something.
“Ok…well, I think a vacation in Orlando will be good. Is my old room still available?” I asked.
“Of course it is! I’m so excited to see you again!” she excitedly called.
“Same, I can’t wait to see ya! And, the rest of Orlando of course! We have so much to catch up-Beep-on. Uh oh, hold on a second. I have another call, k?
“Sure.” She replied.
**** Lauren’s POV ****
“Ok, you guys need to be quieter! She knows I’m not alone here. You want to be a surprise for her when she gets here, don’t you?” she worriedly told the guys.
“Yeah, sorry hun,” Joey Fatone replied, giving her a hug.
“I can’t wait to see Jill again,” Justin happily said. He hoped that she didn’t hate him or was mad at him because he had stopped calling and writing because of their hectic schedule.
“Ok Lauren, sorry about that. So where were we?”
“Oh, um…I think we were talking about your flight. Come down as soon as possible!” she pleaded. We talked out our plans for the flight and how long I would be staying for. In the end, we decided I would come down in five days and stay for a month and a half, since I was in desperate need of some warm weather and a best friend.
“Ok, I’ll talk to you soon then.” I told her, with excitement in my voice to see her and Orlando again.
“Jill, I have a surprise for you when you get down here.” She said before I hung up.
“What is it! Tell me! You know I hate surprises!” I begged.
“Don’t worry, it’s a good surprise. Or, shall I say good surprisES.”she stated.
“Laurennnn……”I started.
“Nope, not gonna tell. I gotta go now, byebye chica!” she said.
“Fine, bye Laur. See ya soon!” With that, we both hung up. I was so excited to see her again, I mean, we still are best friends and all. The day went on, all I could think of was the surprise. What could it be? Later on, as I lay down to go to sleep, I drifted off into dreams of Orlando and seeing all of my friends. Little did I know what was in store for me.

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