New Life...New Love- Chapter 16

‘Only two more days until I see Lauren again’ I excitedly thought as I began packing my bags. I had been extremely busy these past couple of days and I had completely forgot about the surprise Lauren had for me. My thoughts were interrupted suddenly by the ringing of my cell phone. I grabbed it and answered.
“Hello?” I asked.
“Hey Jill, its AJ.”
“Um…AJ…sorry, but I don’t know an AJ” I answered unknowingly.
“I’m AJ from the Backstreet Boys.” He said expectantly.
“Oh, hi.” I answered, still not knowing why he was calling me.
“You probably don’t know why I’m calling you, right?”
“You read my mind!” I jokingly said. I heard him laugh a little.
“Well, the guys and I are doing a song on the soundtrack for your new movie. And I saw you when you were filming and you looked so beautiful. And I wanted to know if you wanted to get together tonight and do something because you know, we’ll be hanging around together more and more often now that were both doing the same movie things and-”
“AJ, whoa, take a breath!” I said calming him down. “Even though I haven't had the pleasure to meet you yet, i'm very flattered and I’d love to go out with you tonight.”
“Really? That’s great, I’ll pick you up at 7:30? Is that alright?” he asked.
“That sounds perfect” I added. Usually, I wouldn’t go out with a guy I’d just talked to on the phone with, but this guy seemed different and intriguing. I then told him how to get to my apartment.
“Ok, see ya then. Bye.” He said.
“Bye” I replied. I hung up the phone and returned to my room and packed for a couple more minutes. I glanced at the clock on my nightstand- 5:54- it read. I decided I would begin to get ready now, so I wouldn’t have to rush. So, after I got out of the shower I was faced with the question that puzzles me the most- What was I going to where?! I looked into my walk-in closet and pulled out a thin strapped baby blue tank top. I loved the color baby blue. It was my trademark color, since I was always seen around wearing it. But, baby blue reminded me of Justin and how special he had been to me. I guess the feeling wasn’t mutual between us because he had stopped communication altogether. Well, now I was moving on. I walked over to my large, white dresser that held many drawers of clothes. I searched through them, trying to find the perfect bottoms to match my top. A couple long seconds after, I found a pair of nice black pants that flared on the bottom. They were perfect, since I didn’t know where AJ was going to take me. The black pants were perfect incase we were going to go clubbing, or if we would just stop some place and eat. I put the outfit on and went into my bathroom to put on my make-up and fix my hair. I decided to put my brown with some blonde streaked thick hair into a bun and leave some sexy yet playful strands down. As I was just putting the finishing touches of my make-up on my face, there was a knock at the door. I glanced at my watch; it read 7:25.
“Coming!” I shouted to him. I grabbed my purse and walked up to the door. Before opening it, I let out a sigh. This was it, there was no turning back I thought as I opened the door.

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