New Life..New Love- Chapter 17

We walked down the hallway corridor, hand in hand. My date with AJ was coming to an end. The two of us reached my door; I let out a deep breath and looked down.
“Well, this is it.” I said.
“I guess so. Listen Jill, I had such an amazing time with you tonight and I would love it if I could see you again sometime.” He asked me. I looked up into his dark, mysterious brown eyes. A strand of free hair whisked across my face. AJ reached up and tucked it safely behind my ears. His touch sent a chill of sensation down from my head to my toes. The same touch from Justin. I looked away. I had to stop thinking about him. He was like a contagious-yet bearable, disease that wouldn’t go away.
“Are you ok?” AJ asked, full of concern.
“Oh, yeah. I’m fine. Well, I’d love to see you again too. I also had a fabulous time.”
“Really? I’m glad to hear that.” He stated. He then leaned in towards my lip, grazing them with a soft, sensuous kiss. After a few seconds of bliss, I pulled back and smiled.
“Call me, ok?” I asked.
“Count on it.” he replied. “Bye”
“Bye AJ” I responded while going inside my apartment. I locked the door and walked over to my couch, and plopped down on it. My thoughts immediately raced to the fun filled night I had just experienced. It was one of the best dates I had ever been on. First, he took me out to the Hard Rock Café for dinner, which was great. We talked and talked and talked for such a long time, it seemed like we could read one another’s thoughts. After that, he took me to this new, trendy nightclub. We danced for a while, then sat and talked again, then danced for a few more songs. After the club, he took me back home. There was just something about AJ that intrigued me. He was very captivating. He was such a sweetie, yet he had a wild side that really made him fun to be with. All of the sudden, my mind darted to Florida. Only 1 more day, since now it was 3:44 am. My thoughts led from one thing to another as I drifted off to sleep…
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Day of the Flight to Orlando~~~~~~~~~~~~
“I’m so excited and I just can’t hide it! I know, I know…” I sang along to the radio and I zipped my suitcase closed. I just finished packing and would leave for the airport in an hour! I was psyched! ~~Ring Ring~~ I heard my phone ring from my nightstand. I raced around my bed to answer.
“Hello?” I asked, half out of breath. I heard a soft laugh.
“Hey Jill, running for the phone again?” AJ humorously asked.
“Yup!” I cheerfully added.
“Well, I just wanted to see how you were coming along with your packing and all.” He asked.
“I just finished. I’m so excited to see Lauren again!” I replied. I had already told AJ about Lauren. And, somehow the topic of ‘N Sync was brought up in one of conversations and I told AJ how I had dated Justin for a while. So, AJ was all caught up and informed with the situation. “AJ, I’m going to miss you.” I seriously said. And I would not only miss him, i'd miss his long talks and his sexy sense of style.
“I’m going to miss you too. I’m not going to see you for a month and a half; I can’t believe it. I know I’ve only been with you on a couple of dates, but I just find myself entranced with you. And, I want to ask you something,” he said.
“Yes?” I was nervous about what he was going to ask me and I gave him my full attention.
“I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend? I mean, I know it’s soon and we just met and all but I like you, in fact, I like you a lot and…”
“Yes.” I cut him off.
“Oh, ok, That’s alright, I understand.” He sadly said.
“No, AJ. I said yes. I would love to be your girlfriend.” I restated.
“You would? This is great!” he said. “But, too bad I won’t be able to see you for a month and a half.”
“I have an idea.” I told him as an awesome idea shot into my mind.
“Yes?” he answered, now giving me his full attention.
“Why don’t you come with me to Florida? You can stay for a few weeks or so. That way we can be together.” I explained.
“Are you serious?” he asked, I guess he was a little shocked.
“Yeah! I mean, if you want to and all.” I added.
“I would love to! But I would be able to come down in a few days or so because the rest of the guys are almost done recording our song for the soundtrack. And I can't stay for a month and a half, but I can stay for a decent amount of time. Is that alright?” he asked.
“That’s perfect!” I excitedly said. We discussed the rest of the details and said goodbye before I hung up the phone because it was time to leave for the airport. Just think only a few more hours...I’ll be back in Orlando...

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