New Life...New Love- Chapter 18

**Now Arriving, Flight 382 from New York to Orlando**

I was finally in Orlando. It sure was great to be back! I searched the crowded airport for any sign of Lauren, but was out of luck.
“Excuse me, are you Jill Taylor?” I heard a voice ask. I turned around to find myself standing in front of a crowd of about seven or eight young teenage girls, who I had recognized as the noisy girls from the plane.
“Yes, I am.” I replied.
“Oh my gosh! Can I, like, have your autograph?” one asked.
“Yeah, me too!” another one called.
“Make mine out to Lisa!” a high pitch voice called. So, I began to sign a bunch of paper napkins from the plane ride. I tried to glance up to see if I could spot Lauren, but there was no such luck with the group of girls jumping up and down.
“Oh my gosh! It’s Jill Taylor! Watch out girls, I’m her biggest fan! Sign mine to Lauren!” I heard an older voice call. Lauren? I looked up beyond the crowd and saw none other than Lauren making her way through the girls.
“Lauren!” I shouted. We reached each other and were instantly wrapped in one huge hug.
“Girl! It’s been so long!” she exclaimed.
“It’s been TOO long! I missed ya!” I replied.
“Hey, what about my autograph!” one snobby girl asked. So, I finished signing autographs in a hurry and Lauren and I made our way to her car, after we got my luggage of course. The ride home was filled with catching up, laughing, and singing along to the radio. I didn’t know how much I had missed Lauren until now. I was estatic to be back home. The saying was right, home is definitly where the heart is. We reached our old house and floods of memories came rushing back to me.
“Um, Jill, wait here for a sec.” Lauren told me as she made her way to the door, while managing to grab all my bags with her.
“Why? Let me help you with those!” I called out to her. Too late; she was inside already. I took a deep breath. Ahhhh, I missed that Orlando air. My mind than began to drift once again to the phone conversation between Lauren and I when we made plans. The surprise; I had forgotten. Was this the surprise, whatever she was planning for now? I was now leaning against Lauren’s car, a tan Jeep, lost in my thoughts.
“Ehhem.” Someone cleared their throat. I looked up and got the shock of my life as I leaned against the car to catch my balance.

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