New Life...New Love- Chapter 19

“Hi Jill.” he spoke. I tried to find my voice.
“Um, hey Justin. W-what are you doing here” I choked out.
“Well, Lauren said you were visiting for a month and a ½ and the guys and I were in town and will be here for a month or so on vacation, so she said it’d be a nice surprise if we all got together again.” He explained, with all his breath. “I brought this for you” he added, while handing me a single, long stemmed red rose.
“Thank you Justin, but I can’t accept this.” I said, giving him the rose back and making my way into the house.
“Wait, Jill. Please, I know I didn’t call you or email you, but that doesn’t it was because my feelings went away” he pleaded with me.
“Justin, when someone doesn’t communicate with the person they claimed to have loved oh so very much, than they obviously don’t mean what they said.” I told him, raising my voice a little. By this time we had reached the door and were about to open it and go in.
“But you don’t understand-”
“Oh, I understand alright.” I said back, while closing the door on his face. Could this vacation get any worse? I made my way to the staircase and began making my way up to my old room.
“Jill!!!” I heard a familiar voice called while footsteps began to pound up the stairs towards me. I turned so quickly that I got hit in the face with a dread.
“Chris!” I shouted back, while giving him a hug. “You still haven’t learned to control those things, have you?” I mischievously asked.
“Nu-uh!” he replied, while releasing me from our hug.
“What’s up girly!” I heard another voice call from behind.
“Joey!” I retorted. Before I knew it, I was in the air thrown over his shoulders. “You, obviously, haven’t changed a bit you walking hormone!” I told him.
“You got it!” he replied. He put me down and I gave him a hug too. “Where Is everyone else?” I asked him and Chris.
“Right behind ya honey!” I heard JC call.
“Ah, there’s the guy I’ve been waiting to hug.” I flirtatiously said.
“And here’s the girl I’ve been waiting to hug.” He said back, while giving me a huge hug. Let me just say for the record, JC definitely had changed for the better. He was looking so good. “Look at you Jill, you’re all famous now!” he added.
“You should be one to talk Mr. Number One Album-heartthrob-teen idol!” he retorted. We pulled apart and I was immediately enveloped in a hug from Lance.
“Hey Lance-y! I missed you!” I said.
“Same here Jill!” he replied. After we all got settled and accustomed to one another’s presence, I announced I was going to my room for a little bit because I was tired from the flight. I walked over to my old bed, which I was more than glad to just plop onto and get some long awaited shuteye. Just as I was about to doze off into slumber land, a knock sounded at my door. I sighed, and realized sleep would be harder to get than I thought.
“Come in,” I shouted to the person on the other side of the door. I was facing the wall so I couldn’t see who entered my dimly lit room.
“Jill, I really need to speak to you,” a familiar voice rang out. I took another long sigh and rolled over to face none other than Justin.
“Justin, I’ve already said what I wanted to say to you.” I said to him.
“Please Jill, this is eating me alive that you won’t hear me out. Please let me explain everything,” he pleaded. I looked up into his deep, soulful, familiar blue eyes. I was lost once again in them and a feeling of guilt swept over me.
“Fine, go ahead Justin,” I said, while not removing my vision from his.
“Ok, thank you. I just wanted to say that it wasn’t easy for me on the road to have a serious girlfriend. As much as I wanted too, I just couldn’t. Over the past few year, so much has happened to our success. It’s all that I’ve ever imagined having and more. I had everything I could’ve asked for, except for love. I wanted to be with you more than you’ll ever know Jill, I promise you that. Not calling you was my biggest regret ever, and to see you mad at me makes me want to just take all my success and fame and exchange it for your love. So, please can you forgive me?” he begged with accepting eyes. I didn’t know what to say; I was speechless. But, I now knew what I had to do.
“I forgive you Justin,” I said, smiling at him. He immediately wrapped me into a huge hug with his arms wrapped around my waist and mine wrapped around his neck. The hug lasted a couple long seconds.
“But, only under one condition.” I told him, while pulling away.
“Anything,” he replied.
“Well, I sort of have to tell you something. I have a boy---”
“JJJJIIILLLL!!!! Someone’s here for you! Hurry up!” Lauren called from downstairs.
“Can we finish this later Justin?” I asked, while getting off the bed and making my way over to the door.
“Sure,” he said while slowly getting off the bed. I made my way down the stairs and to the hallway by the door. Standing there was Lauren, Jc, Chris, and AJ. ‘AJ? Oh my gosh, I completely forgot about him!’ I thought.
“Jill!” he called as he embraced me in a warm-hearted hug.
“Hey AJ” I replied. “I thought you weren’t coming down for two or three more days?” I asked. As I asked the question, Justin had made his way into the hallway along with the rest of us.
“Well, we finished recording early, and I thought I’d come visit my girlfriend early!” he said back. My eyes darted to Justin, who just returned the glance and walked out of the room. :sigh: This was going to be a very long vacation.

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