New Life...New Love- Chapter 2

"Are you from around here?" Justin asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Yep, my friend Lauren and I just moved here. Actually, she's parking the car as we speak." I replied, as we both shifted forward, following the line as it moved further ahead.

"Yo! Justin met a girl already. We've been here for five minutes and you've already staked your claim?!" an average set guy with brown hair shouted at Justin, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Following closely behind were three other attractive men with smiles spread across their faces. I took this opportunity to crane my neck over the crowd, in hope of spotting Lauren. With no luck, I turned my attention back to the five men in front of me.

"Guys, this is Jill. Jill, the annoying Italian is Joey, that's Chris, he's Jc, and that's Lance," Justin said in one breath, leaving Joey with a pout on his face. We shook hands and said separate hellos. As we waited for the line to proceed to the front doors, we all made small talk and got to know one another a little better.

"There you are Jill! I've been looking all over for you!" a familiar voice called, as the figure to match it came into view."And who are you all...three words for you 'Bang Me Please'" she added with winks to each of the guys, who were wide eyed and gaping. Joey, the obvious flirt, stepped up and introduced everyone once again.

"And you can call me yours baby," Lauren replied with a fiendish grin. She then grabbed Joey's arm, linked it with hers and made her way through the line to try and find a quicker way to beat the line.

"That was Lauren..." I informed the others with a laugh, which was returned by the remaining four. We continued to slowly make our way up to the front as the line moved at a quicker pace. By the time we reached the beginning of the line, we all knew the important things about one another, like where we were from, likes, dislikes, etc. We showed our ID's and proceeded into the doors of Illusions. As we entered, the music pounded our ears and lights flashed before our eyes. There were people all around and the crowd was beginning to push from all directions as we tried to walk to an area with tables. While following Jc's lead, I felt someone grab my hand and give it a reassuring tug as in to say that we would make it there without a scratch. I turned, and was met with Justin's soulful eyes of care. I thought I caught a glimpse of playfulness deep within, but soon forgot as he put his hand on the small of my back to guide me where to go. Soon after, we reached a table somewhat near the dance floor, yet far enough so we could hear each other talk.

"We're gonna hit the dance floor J, are you coming?" Chris asked, with Lance and Jc already mixed into the sea of bodies.

"Nah man, I'm gonna chill here for a while with Jill...unless you want to dance?" he turned to me and asked. 'Not yet' I mouthed, as Justin smiled. "We'll catch up later," he added. With that, Chris disappeared onto the dance floor.

"So, are you liking Orlando so far?" Justin leaned forward towards me so he could hear my answer over the music. I took notice that he was reasonably closer, and a shiver of excitement raced down my spine.

"It's definitely a change, but I'm loving it so far. The people are extremely nice, the weather is awesome...everything is perfect," I smirked, causing Justin to warmly grin back.

"Yes, everything seems to be perfect here in Orlando..."Justin answered in a serious tone, locking eyes with mine. "Everything is definitely perfect."

Chapter 3
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