New Life...New Love- Chapter 20

“AJ, wow. This is such a surprise,” I exclaimed, trying to sound as happy as I could.
“Yeah, I know. I’m so glad to see you again!” he said back, grabbing my hand.
“Well, AJ. Let me introduce you to my best friend, Lauren.” I said while introducing the two. They shook hands and I moved on. “This is JC, that’s Chris, and Lance, Joey, and Justin are somewhere around here.” I finished.
“Yeah, I know who they are.” He replied, a little annoyed. I immediately remembered that ever since ‘N Sync’s CD had come out in February 2000, they had became more popular than the Backstreet Boys, and a “rival” had begun. ‘This was going to be interesting’ I thought to myself.
“So, where are your staying? I’d offer you to stay here, but we have a full house with the guys, Jill, and myself staying here,” Lauren said.
“Oh, don’t worry. I already have a room reserved in the Marriot hotel about 10 minutes away from here. I’m only staying for a week and a half anyway,” he explained to us all, still looking at me. I shifted uncomfortably at under his stare giving Lauren a “help me” and “I need to talk to you” looks. She caught on after a minute or so.
“Jill, I need you to help me with something in the kitchen for a minute, ok?” she asked, pulling me out of the room.
“I’ll be right back AJ,” I called as I was dragged from the room into the kitchen. We reached the kitchen and Lauren shot out the dreaded question.
“Your with AJ from the Backstreet Boys?” she surprisingly asked. I sighed.
“Well, yeah. He’s doing a song on the soundtrack for my new movie and he called me to ask me out….” I explained the situation.
“But what about Justin?” she asked. I let out another long sigh.
****Justin’s POV****
‘AJ? She’s with him!’ was all I could think as I made my way back into the hallway, trying to get to the stairwell to go back to my room. As I turned the corner to the hallway I looked up to find an almost empty room---except for AJ.
“Hello Justin, how are you on this very fine day?” AJ sarcastically asked.
“Number one on the charts…I mean, great, and you?” I said, returning the sarcasm.
“Oh, a little harsh there Bleach boy. But, your little so-called insults don't offend me. Sorry to make your day," he replied.
"Wow, that was really a good one AJ. Oh my gosh, don't move! There’s something on your ear!" I exclaimed.
"What? What's on my ear?" AJ frantically asked.
"Oh, my bad. Just another one of you piercings. Oh wait, is that a tattoo? It's so ugly I can't even tell." he shot back. AJ let out a tiny laugh.
"Let me be the first to laugh Blondy, but I have something you'll never get back."
"Oh yeah, what's that? An ego?” I said back.
“Keep the disses right on coming Superstar, but that’s not what I was thinking of. What I was thinking of was a lovely lady by the name of Jill,” he said, with an evil look in his eyes. That was it; he had found my weakness. Jill was the only girl I had ever cared about and now she was his.
“That’s right, I have Jill. The girl you love. But you know what, she doesn’t feel the same way about you. She’s mine now, and not yours. You may be number one in the music business, but in Jill’s heart you’ll always be number two. You will not get in the way of my plans,” he concluded. I was speechless. I just stood there, beaten at my own game.
“Your plans? What are your plans?” I curiously asked.
“Oh you know, the usual. You should be a pro at this one Teen Dream. All I need to do is make Jill love me, than I’ll become more famous by this when the world finds out were dating, than dump her. And if I’m lucky, I’ll get some from her on the way.” He explained. All at once, I felt every muscle in my body tense up; I wanted to beat the living crap out of him right then and there.
*****Jill’s POV*****
“Ok, let’s get back to your lover boy before he gets anxious to go back to New York,” Lauren said. We had just finished talking about the whole AJ/ Justin scenario and were making our way back to the hallway.
“…and I’ll get some from her,” we heard AJ say as we made are way into the hallway right behind Justin. Justin then seemed to become extremely tense and angry.
“Get what from who?” Lauren asked. She had obviously startled AJ because he looked a little like a deer caught in headlights.
“Um…uh…I just wanted…a…uh…oh yeah, I wanted a kiss from Jill before I left.” He stammered out.
“Where are you going?” I asked.
“Oh, um, I’m a little tired from the flight over so I was thinking about heading back to the hotel for the night, if you don’t mind,” he replied.
“I don’t mind, I’m a little tired too. I’ll see you later then, k?” I said. I walked over to him and gave him a quick hug and kiss. When I leaned in for the quick kiss, I could’ve sworn I saw Justin cringe in jealousy, but just shrugged it off.
“Bye Lauren, it was nice meeting you. And Justin, well, keep in mind what I said. Bye baby,” he added while making his way out the door.
“What’d he say to you Justin?” Lauren asked. I attentively listened, since the same question popped into my head.
“Oh, nothing really,” he replied in a low voice. He seemed a little a angry at something.
“Well, whatever this “nothing” is you better let it go cause were all going clubbing tonight,”
“Laur-I’m so tired. I’m going to stay home, k?” I asked, letting sleepiness overtake my body.
“Jill! No, it’s your first night back in Orlando and you are coming with us! There’s no getting out of it.” She stated. I let out a short sigh. There was no winning this battle.
“But Laur-“
“Fine,” I whined.
“Good!” she shouted. “Justin, go tell the guys were clubbing tonight and that we’re leaving in an hour and ½!” With that Justin, ran upstairs to inform the rest of the guys about our plans.
“Well, let’s go get ready girl!”

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