New Life...New Love- Chapter 21

“So, what are you going to wear Jill?” Lauren yelled from her room, which was still right next door to mine. I stepped out of the bathroom door that connected to Lauren’s room. I had just finished a peaceful shower and needed to get ready fast because we only had a half an hour to get dressed, do our hair, and put our make-up on.
“Um…I have no clue! Can you pick something out for me?” I yelled back in desperation.
“Sure!” she said, striding though the door into my room. She was wearing a pair of tight black pants that flared at the bottoms and a pale red three-qaurtered sleeved v-neck shirt.
“I love your outfit Laur!” told her.
“Thanks, but when I’m through with you, the world won’t know what hit them!” she said back.
“Lauren, you’re just picking out my outfit, not giving me plastic surgery,” I replied.
“Hey, can I do your hair and make-up too?” she asked, practically begging.
“You can only if your ready first because I don’t to hold you up for your Joey,” I agreed with her.
“Deal! Justin won’t know what hit him!”
“What?!” I asked in surprise.
“Um…nothing. I said the guys won’t know what hit them.” She covered up. I had heard what she said, but thought nothing of it.
“Ok, so let’s see what we’ve got for you to wear…”
*****45 minutes later*****
“Are you ladies coming!” an annoyed Chris called upstairs to us.
“Yeah, you guys take forever to get ready!” Justin added. Lauren and I exchanged glances.
“You know how impatient they are,” she said outloud, reading my thoughts.
“You ready?” I asked
“Ready as can be!” she happily said back. I don’t know how Lauren always seemed to have so much energy. We made our way over to the door. On our way over, I stopped to look into the mirror one last time.
“Jill, don’t worry. You look gorgeous. I didn’t know the wonders I could work until now! Let’s go!” she said, obviously excited for me. Lauren ran ahead down the stairs. I heard Joey compliment her and Chris whistle at her. Then I heard Joey remind Chris that Lauren was his. Then they got into a silly, little argument about girls and complimenting whoever they want. I let out a little laugh, those two were always arguing about some little thing. With that, I slowly walked down the stairs and stood on the last step. All six of them were now arguing over the stupid, little thing. So, I cleared my throat. They still didn’t notice I was ready to go. I cleared my throat a little louder.
“God girl, go get a cough drop…” Chris began to inform me, but stopped midsentence with his jaw hanging as low as it could possibly be. When Chris stopped talking, the remaining five arguing friends turned to face me. I guess Lauren did a great job on me because each guy was staring at me like I was some kind of goddess.
“May I present to you, Jill,” Lauren said. I was wearing a short- yet danceable-skirt that had a short slit on the side, a baby blue ¾ sleeved shirt that had a low v-neck, 2 inch black heels that allowed me to be able to dance around and not kill my feet. My hair was put up into a bun that contained curls and a couple strands of curled hair left down. I had to admit, I was also satisfied with what Lauren had picked out for me.
“Well, I made her myself!” she added. This caused all of us to laugh and break the silence. All of us except for Justin. He was still staring at me with an amazed smile on his face. I returned the smile and became entranced in his eyes. Those familiar eyes I had once stared into for what seemed like eternity. I shook my vision away and focused on the real world. Lauren noticed the intense staring that Justin and I both had been entranced in and motioned for the four other guys to get into the car, where we would meet them in a few minutes.
"Let me be the first to say that you look absolutely beautiful tonight Jill," Justin told me in a serious tone, with a gleam in his deep blue eyes. I let a blush creep across my cheeks.
"Thanks Justin, you don't look to bad yourself," I replied, looking down at my feet.
"AJ is a lucky guy," he said back, once again in a serious tone. My head shot up at this comment and I was greeted with a adorable, crooked smile. I felt another blush dance across my cheeks as I returned the smile.
"Justin, about the whole previous relationship thing. I just want to say that I never stopped lo---"
"BEEP BEEP!" someone beeped for us outside to hurry up.
"We better go," I finished.
"Wait, what were you going to say?" he asked, desperate to find out.
"I was going to say better save a dance for me tonight." I lied. I was really going to tell him that I never stopped loving him, but the words just wouldn't come out of my mouth.
"I was actually hoping to save more than one dance for you," he replied.
"It's a deal," I happily said while following him out the door.

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