New Life...New Love- Chapter 22

“Wow, this place is so crowded!” Lance exclaimed, as we entered to packed with people room.
“What’d you say Lance?!” Chris screamed through the loud music.
“I said it was crowded in here!” Lance shouted back.
“What!” Chris yelled again.
“Never mind!” Lance replied in frustration. The six of us managed to make our way through the mobbed club and find a table. I sat down and almost immediately Justin sat next to me.
“Does anyone want to dance?” Jc asked, looking at me since Lauren was already in the process of being dragged onto the dance floor by Joey.
“Not now Jc, but I promise later I’ll dance with you.” I replied. All I wanted to do now was just sit in my seat and observe the Orlando scene that I had missed so much.
“I’ll take you up on that offer Jill,” Jc answered with a smile, as he made his way to the dance floor. Following him was Chris and Justin.
“Lance, your not going to dance either?” I asked him in concern.
“Nah, not now at least. I’ve been meaning to talk to you anyways,” he replied. I turned to him with my full attention.
“Sure, you know I’m here for you Lance. What’s wrong?” I asked, with worried eyes.
“Oh, nothings wrong with me. I’m worried about you,” he informed me.
“Me?” I surprisingly asked.
“Yes, you.” What could he be talking about? As of now, my life was going along pretty smoothly, for once.
“One word for ya hon- Justin,” he stated. I sighed; I knew what he was going to ask me because so far, everyone had been asking the same thing. “What is up with you guys?”
“Ah, the infamous Justin question. I, I don’t know how to answer that,” I replied.
“What do you mean?” he asked back.
“Well, basically what I’m saying is that if you find out what’s going on with Justin, please tell me because I am officially confused.” I hopelessly said.
“Aw, my poor little Jill!” Lance exclaimed while getting up from his seat and wrapping me in a hug.
“Ok Lance…can’t breathe…” was all I could reply. He let go and sat back down in his seat. But, soon after that he made eye contact with a tall, blonde across the room and said ‘she was to good to let go to waste’. So, that left me all alone. My eyes scanned the crowded, smokey room as I absorbed the party scene. Usually, I hated to be in such condensed rooms with tons of people and blaring music, but for some reason I just couldn’t get enough of the sight this club actually contained.
“Um…excuse me miss,” a loud voice rang out. I looked up and saw a man who looked like he had way too much to drink.
“Yes?” I asked, in reference to his question. He reached down and put his hand over mine.
“You’re a cute one, aren’t ya?” he said to me. I quickly jerked my hand away from his. “Ooh, and frisky too…just how I like him,” he said again while pushing his both hands now on my shoulders. I tried to push his arms off me, but his grip was too strong.
“Can you please get off of me?” I asked, with a shiver of fear in my voice.
“Nah, I like it better this way baby,” he replied, leaning in for a kiss. I quickly ducked out of his arms, crawled underneath the table and ran outside. I stopped when I reached a bench right outside of the club. My breathing was heavy from running out so fast, and from fear.
******Justin’s POV******
“Thanks,” I said to the bartender, who had just served me a coke. It was so hot inside this club. I looked around the room, trying to spot Jill to see if she had decided to get on the dance floor and shake her groove thang. I looked around once more before realizing she was probably still at the table. So, the table was my next destination so I could continue to talk with Jill. I was about half way there when from the corner of my eye I spotted someone familiar. I turned my head to get a better glance and found none other than A.J grinding with someone ditzy bruenette. Oh, he was not doing this. How cold he be so cruel and cheat worthy to such a beautiful girl, no woman, like Jill. I was not going to let him do this to her, never.

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