New Life...New Love- Chapter 24

I rolled over into the warmth of the sun shining through my window and onto my bed, smiling as I recalled where I was. My smile quickly turned into a frown as the events from the other night ran through my head. I shuddered at the thought of the drunk man. But I still couldn’t get the kiss that Justin and I had shared out of my head either. It was so magical, so perfect. It was like old times, but better. I couldn’t think like this though, I had a boyfriend. I still did have feelings for AJ, and they were becoming stronger each time I saw him. I wouldn’t mind spending more time with AJ in life; he seemed so sincere and a little too good to be true. But that’s what drew me to him. I was pulled from my thoughts as a knock sounded at my door.
“Come in,” I replied. Just as I said that, Lauren, Jc, Lance, Joey, and Chris entered my room.
“Wow, I knew you guys missed me last night but I didn’t know you missed me this much,” I jokingly said. But none of them cracked a smile- not even Chris who was always smiling. “Ok, what’s up guys? Why are you so serious?”
“Jill, Justin told us what happened last night,” Lauren began.
“I was going to tell you guys, but last night I just didn’t want to remember it all and-” I interrupted.
“Wait, let me finish,” Lauren comfortingly asked. “We all totally understand why you didn’t tell us sooner. We wanted to come up here and be good friends to you by making sure you were alright,” she finished.
“You guys did? That’s so sweet. Thanks, but I’m ok now.” I caringly replied, giving each of them warm hugs.
“Honey, you know we’ll always be there for you, no matter what happens in life. You’re our friend, and we love you for being you. We just want to make sure you know you can come to us for anything. Ok baby?” Jc stated, followed by nods from the others.
“Yeah, I know. You guys are the best,” I said back. “Now get out so I can get dressed,” I jokingly said.
“As you wish, my lady,” Chris said to me, while backing his way to the door.
“Personally, I think I like you better in the tiny boxers and tank top, but do what you like,” Joey flirtatously said.
“Joey…” Lauren warned him, while dragging him to the door.
“I’m sorry, it just sorta came out. You know I love ya babe,” he explained. Lance closely followed them out the door.
“Oh, and Jill, put your bathing suit on cause we’re all going to the beach today. Actually, we’re going in 15 minutes so you gotta hurry,” Jc said while exiting the room and closing the door. My heart jumped at the word ‘beach’, because I loved it so much it was like my second home here. I quickly got dressed in a pair of short denim shorts on top of my bikini bottoms, my navy Roxy bikini top and a black spaghetti strap tanktop over that. I put my hair up into a high ponytail and my sunglasses on my head. After that, I made my way downstairs to join the rest of the group. As I approached the bottom of the stairwell, I made eye contact with Justin. He gave me a pleaded, innocent look, which I returned with an uncaring glance away. Then, an idea popped into my head. I walked up to Lauren who was about 5 feet away from Justin and asked her if my idea was ok. She okayed it and I made my way to the phone.
“I’ll meet you guys in the car, ok?” I said, as the five others began walking out the door towards the car with all the beach gear. I dialed the numbers on the telephone and was connected to my ‘idea’s’ room.
“Hello?” a ditzy, woman’s voice answered.
“Um…oh, I’m sorry I think I have the wrong number.” I replied, about to hang up. As I was about to place the phone down, I heard someone switch phones on the line and the woman giggle.
“Yo,” a familiar voice answered.
“AJ?” I asked.
“Jill? Oh, um…hi. How are you hun?” he asked.
“I’m a little confused. If you don’t mind me asking, who was that woman who answered the phone?” I asked, getting a little suspicious.
“The woman? Oh, she’s my….sister, yeah, my sister,” he replied.
“Oh….alright A.J,” I said, still a little unsure. Thoughts of what Justin had told me the night before raced through my head.
“So what are you planning on doing today?” he asked, quickly changing the subject.
“Well, I called to ask if you’d like to go to the beach with us today, but if your sister is here than I understand if you can’t come,”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be there. But I might be a little late because I promised my sister we’d spend some good quality time together today.” He explained, emphasizing the words ‘good quality time’.
“Ok, then I’ll see you there. Bye AJ,” I said.
“Bye baby,” he replied, hanging up the phone. I hung up the phone and stood there, still confused. Was he telling the truth? All I could do was assure myself he was because AJ wouldn’t lie to me like that. He cared about me. I decided to analyze my thoughts later as a left the house, closing the door behind, and ran to the car. I hopped in the backseat of Jc’s seat, next to Chris.
“I’m so glad you could finally join us Jill,” Chris said, jokingly of course. I looked around the car and took notice that Jc was at the wheel, Lance in the passenger seat and Chris, as noticed before, next to me. I picked the right car, no Justin. We began to pull out of the driveway and into the street.
“Next stop, the beach…”Jc said.

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