New Life...New Love- Chapter 25

“Is this spot good?” Jc asked, as he approached a vacant area of sand that was close to the water, yet far enough from it so you wouldn’t get splashed.
“Perfect Jc” I replied as I spread my towel out on the smooth, warm sand next to Lauren. The five other guys were taking off their shirts and began applying suntan lotion, and I couldn’t help but stare at each of them. Let’s just say that the sand wasn’t the only hot thing on the beach today. My gaze landed on Chris, and I couldn’t contain my laughter. Chris was trying his best to apply the lotion onto his back, but couldn’t quite reach it. He looked like a fish out of water, squirming all over the place.
“Chris, do you need some help?” I asked, smiling. He looked over at me with pleading eyes.
“Yes,” he simply replied, with lotion all over his hands. I took the lotion off his hands and began rubbing it all over his back.
“Ohhhh Jill, that’s the spot…have you been practicing?” he jokingly said.
“You know it Chris,” I said, returning the joke. I finished with Chris and returned to my towel.
“Are you guys coming into the water with us?” Justin asked Lauren and me. I began taking my shirt off, revealing my bikini top and bare stomach.
“Not yet, we’re going to get our long awaited tan. Ok Justin?” Lauren asked. I then took my shorts off and sprawled out onto my towel on my back.
“Justin?” Lauren asked, waving her hand in front of his face. He was intensly staring at me laying on my towel in a bikini. I noticed this right away and immediately began to feel uncomfortable and self-conscience. I could feel his eyes penetrating my body as he stared. I returned his gaze with confused eyes, and he quickly turned away.
“Huh? Yeah, I’ll um, ok,” he stammered out. Justin than began walking towards the water, in a daze, with the other guys.
“What’s with him?” Lauren asked, as she lay down on her towel, also on her back.
“I have no clue,” I answered, while closing my eyes and absorbing the sun’s rays. We continued to get our tans for about ten more minutes, when we felt the presence of another person next to us. I opened my eyes, expecting to see A.J.
“Hey A…” I began, as I saw it was someone else. It was another man, probably about 19 or 20 years old.

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