New Life...New Love- Chapter 26

"Hi, um, wow I'm nervous. I can't believe I'm actually seeing you, Jill Taylor, here on the beach," he nervously stammered out. I let out a sigh of relief, glad that this man wasn't any sort of harm to me.
"Hi, how are you?" I asked with a plastered smile across my face.
"To tell you the truth, I'm a little nervous. I mean, it's not everyday I meet someone famous like you," he replied.
"That's very sweet of you…" I answered, looking for a name.
"Adam, my name is Adam." He said back with a charming smile. I didn't buy the act for a minute. And plus, I wasn't too interested in him. "I know this may sound a little corny, but do you think I could have your autograph?" he added. I smiled.
"Sure you can. Do you have a pen and paper on you?" I asked. He reached into his beach bag and pulled out a black Sharpee marker.
"All I have is a maker. Could you sign my hand then?" he asked, with a childish gleam in his eyes.
"No problem," I responded while taking the Sharpee from him. I took his hand and held it while I signed my name with my other. I finished and looked up at him. "There you go Adam," I said smiling.
"Thank you so much Jill. I hope I see you again someday," he said, returning the smile. He began walking away, and continuously looking back at me. I lay back down on my towel, but was soon interrupted again when I heard a man's voice clear his throat.
"Would you like another autograph?" I asked without opening my eyes, expecting to see Adam. When I opened my eyes, it was the exact opposite.
"Hm…I was hoping for a little more than that baby," the smooth voice of A.J. responded. I stood up and was greeted with a short hug and quickly pulled into a deep kiss. This took me by surprise and I pulled away after a few seconds.
"Honey what's wrong?" A.J. asked after I abruptly pulled away. I needed to think quick.
"Nothing…I, um, I-"
"Hey A.J," Lauren cut in, saving me. A.J. turned towards her.
"Hello Lauren, how are you on this fine day?" he asked, a little annoyed with her interrupting me without an explanation.
"I'm great. And how has your day been going so far?" she asked, returning with an large, sarcastic smile.
"Oh, you know. Same old same old," he replied, returning the smile.
"Really? Is that all?" she responded.
"Yeah…that's all," he suspiciously said. Lauren let out a small laugh. I just stood there, looking between the two and their little sarcasm fest.
"Well, last time reality kicked in, you were supposedly with your sister and that's why you were late to come to the beach with us," she stated, with an what's-up-with-that look.
"Oh, yeah…well you know how it is with your siblings," A.J. lied.
"No, I wouldn't know. I'm an only child. Care to explain?" she sweetly replied.
"Well you see-" he began. Just then five watery figures approached us. "Oh, look their back," A.J. gratefully said. They all exchanged brief hellos- all except Justin who just stood off to the corner of the group. We all made some small talk for a few minutes and then we decided to all go into the water for a little bit.
"Last one there's a rotten egg!" Chris shouted in enthusiasm as he began to run towards the blue-green water. We all exchanged knowing glances.
"Ok, who gave Chris the sugar? That boy is more excited than a dog in heat. I swear, he just never stops. Are you sure he's 28? How do you guys live with him?" A.J. asked, specifically to the other guys. They each stopped short in their steps, obviously surprised by his outrage and forwardness.
"Actually, it's not hard at all living with him. I mean, he does possess class, sincerity, and overall goodness everyday and every minute he's around people who show the same qualities to him. Therefore, taking in that your none of the above and more, that would be the reasons for his 'oh-so-bad' actions," Lance sternly said. This surprised all of us to the core. Lance never spoke out…but then again, when someone stands up for their best friends, the only thing that comes out of it is good. At this point I thought that no good would come out of the arguing boys surrounding me. I began to run to the water, catching up with Chris. I reached him and jumped onto his back.
"Chicken fight!" Joey yelled as he made his way towards the water, grabbing Lauren on the way. We all erupted into a fit of laughter as we plunged into the warm water. The eight of us, or so I thought, were having chicken fights for about five minutes when I noticed A.J. wasn't anywhere to be seen. I stopped mid action.
"Um…guys, where did A.J. go?" I curiously asked, while standing waist deep in the ocean. Joey and Lauren were still mid-chicken fight with Lance and Chris so they had no intentions of answering.
"I'm not sure. I didn't even notice he was gone," Jc observingly said, while craning his neck to search for the missing A.J. I turned to look at Justin.
"Justin, have you seen him?" I asked, speaking to him for the first time that day.
"I'd tell you, but you'd just jump down my throat again," he simply stated. I stared at him in shock.
"What did you just say Justin?" I asked, already knowing what he had said but hoping I heard wrong.
"Well, it turns out A.J. had the, uh, sudden urge to go for a little walk just as two blonde, skinny girls walked by in skimpy bikinis," he restated himself.
"Justin, please do not start with again. Haven't I made myself clear about A.J. and how he would not hurt me like that?" I said, half yelling in annoyance, and half in the fact that I didn't want to believe him.
"Oh, crystal clear. But just don't come running to me for support or advice when he breaks your heart in half," he finished while storming out of the water. I just stood there. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders.
"Jill honey, don't worry about him. He's been under a lot of stress lately, and I'm sure he didn't mean what he said." Jc caringly said.
"Thanks Jc, but I think there's more to it than that," I replied, while slowly making my way out of the water.

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