New Life...New Love- Chapter 27

"Finally were home," Chris said in exasperation as he dropped his beach belongings on the living room floor. It was only 8:30 pm, but after spending the whole day at the beach we all decided to catch a bite to eat. Everyone entered the house after Chris and did the same with their belongings. "Baby, can I talk to you outside?" A.J asked, standing by the half open door. I looked around the room to see if anyone minded. No one seemed to care too much, or so I thought. The look on Justin's face was priceless. I couldn't even begin to describe the look of confusion across his face as I walked up to A.J. and kissed him briefly- yet passionately- right in front of him. "Sure," I responded to A.J's earlier question as I took his hand and walked out the door. We walked down the street for a minute or so in silence until we reached a small bench and sat down. "So what did you want to talk about?" I curiously asked A.J, my hand still in his. He took my other hand and held them both up in front of him, while gazing into my soft hazel eyes. "Jill, we've been going out together for a while now. And, well…I don't know how to say this…," he said. This was it. I knew at this point he was going to end the relationship. Justin had been right and I would be put through hell later for it too. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, waiting for the news. "Honey, I need you to look at me for this," he stated. I took one last deep breath, and opened my eyes only to find a pair of deep, caring brown eyes. A few seconds passes as I waited for him to go on. No luck. "What is it A.J?" I asked, not wanting to know the answer. This time it was A.J.'s turn to take a deep breath. "I..I think I'm falling in love with you," he said in a rush. My mouth just hung open in shock. "There, I said it. I love you Jill. I love you so much," he said, smiling. I turned my head away, not expecting the announcement I had just witnessed. "Wow…A.J…," was all I could manage out of my shocked mouth. "Just say you love me back," he said, while taking my chin in his large hands, making me look back into his eyes. I didn't know what to say. Last time I gave my heart away, it was to Justin, and the only outcome from that was a broken heart. But A.J. was different, for the better. He was caring, sweet, fun to be around, and trusting. Basically everything you'd ever want in a guy. "Do you love me Jill?" A.J. asked one last time.

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