New Life...New Love- Chapter 28

I looked back into his eyes, unsure of my answer. I sighed.
“A.J, don’t you think it’s a little to soon to say ‘I love you’?” I asked in curiosity. He continued to tenderly gaze into my eyes.
“Usually, I would agree with you- hands down. But, you’re different Jill. I’ve never felt this way for someone before like I do for you. Please say you love me Jill, you’re all I want.” He answered, now beginning to gently move his thumb over the palm of my hand.
A smile danced across my face. I never knew how much such simple words could mean so much. “Ok A.J., I think your right. I…I love you too,” I blurted out. A shocked, yet gratifying look came across his face. He immediately enveloped me into a tight hug. He pulled back, took my face into his strong hands and placed his lips on mine. I let my hands slide across his shoulders as we just held each other in embrace. We continued sharing our selves with one another for a few more minutes until we pulled apart. He rested his forehead against mine and we both just sat there, smiling at each other.
“I’m so glad you love me. You’ve just made me whole Jill,” he said, with full emotion in his voice. He then stood and grabbed my hand to pull me up. We began to walk back to Lauren’s house, hand in hand. Right then and there, we were both on cloud nine. I wasn’t sure about him, but I felt like I was floating out of happiness. Eventually, the two of us reached the doorway and entered the house. It was deathly quiet inside as we walked into the living room and found Chris, Jc, and Lance sleeping in different places inside the room, Lauren sleeping in Joey’s arms on the love seat and Justin half awake watching the barely audible television.
“So where were you two? It’s been almost a half an hour.” Justin asked.
“Well, father, we were taking a walk,” I quietly answered. “And try and be a little quieter when you speak. If you haven’t noticed everyone else is trying to sleep.” He lowered his eyes at my sarcasm, and at the fact that A.J. and I were still holding hands.
“And if you haven’t noticed, your boyfriend is a player,” he replied, purposely speaking a little louder than before.
“Dude, what the hell are you talking about? I’ve never been more faithful to anyone in my life than I am to Jill. I love her,” snapped back, raising his voice above Justin’s. The five sleeping bodies began shifting in their places as they continued sleeping, trying not to be woken up.
“Oh, yeah. If that’s your definition of love than I don’t want to even meet your family,” he said back, almost at a yelling tone. Chris sat up in his position, obviously annoyed that he was woken up. He was followed by Lance doing the same.
“Justin, stop. A.J really does love me, and I love him back,” I answered, squeezing A.J.’s hand. Justin stood there in shock.
“You don’t love him,” he responded. “You could never love him. After everything he’s done to you, and everything he hasn’t done for you. Why can’t you accept the fact that he is no good?” he yelled. I put my hands to my temples and began rubbing them, trying to escape the migraine I was about to get. At this point, Chris, Lance, Jc, Lauren, and Joey were all awake and listening to our conversation that was taking place before them.
“I can’t stay here tonight in the same house as you Justin. Not until you learn to stop acting your shoe size and start acting like the mature person you used to be,” I replied back in anger.
“Baby, you can stay with me in my hotel room tonight if you want,” A.J. quickly offered.
“Jill, if you know what’s best for you, you wouldn’t stay the night in a hotel room alone with him,” Justin shot out. I looked from Justin, to A.J., and back to Justin.
“Actually, staying in a hotel room alone with A.J. does appeal to me a lot more than it did five minutes ago. Thanks for the tip Justin.” I turned to Lauren, who was fully awake now. “Lauren, sorry about all this. I’ll call you later.” I finished, and then walked outside, waiting for A.J.
*** Back inside ***
“A.J., if you lay one hand on Jill, you’ll be better off dead when I get through with you,” Justin angrily stated, walking over to him. A.J. just laid a smirk across his face and raised his eyebrows.
“Oh, don’t worry Justin. I won’t lay one hand on her tonight… I’ll use both.” He said before turning around and walking outside. Justin sighed and ran his hands through his hair, while pacing back and forth.
“You guys, Jill just made the biggest mistake of her life,” Justin announced to the remaining five friends inside the house.

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