New Life...New Love- Chapter 29

“301….302….ah, here we go. Room 303.” A.J. said to himself while reaching the door to his hotel room and then putting his room key inside the slot, and opening the door. “Here is the honeymoon suite I ordered…even though we’re obviously not on our honeymoon….and the only thing in the room that’s sweet is you,” he adorably said while taking my hand and leading me into the large, dimly lit room. I smiled back at him. He placed my arms over his shoulders, and his hands took their place around my waist, and he leaned in for a kiss. The space between us was soon filled, as our kiss grew more and more passionate as time went on. His hands began to make their way up my stomach. I pulled back.
“Um, why don’t we figure out the sleeping arrangements now,” I stammered out. I wasn’t ready to go the distance with A.J, and wasn’t planning on sleeping with him tonight in the same bed. I had my morals, and wasn’t about to let them fly through the window like that.
“Ok,” A.J. responded warily. He picked up on my tone and changed the subject from kissing, to sleeping arrangements.
“How about I call the hotel management and ask them to bring up a cot for me to sleep on?” A.J. sweetly suggested. Surprised by his offer, I agreed. A.J turned around and walked over to an elegant white table that held a phone on top of it.
~*~*~A.J.’s P.O.V.~*~*~
I walked over to where the phone was placed on its stand and picked it up. I couldn’t believe Jill wouldn’t even sleep in the same bed with me. She is such a prude. Oh well, she’s going to have a little more fun than planned. I dialed the number to the local movie theater and put my plan into action.
“Hello? Front desk? Yes this is A.J. McLean of room 303. I was wondering if you had any extra cots available?” I continued on with my little scheme as I looked up at Jill. She looked so innocent. She was wearing the same pair of shorts from earlier today and over her tanktop, she was wearing my oversized sweatshirt. Jill was gazing around the room, trying not to look uncomfortable. Even though she was a great actress, she wasn’t doing too good of a job convincing me now. “Really? None left? Oh, no. I’m sure we can work something out. Alright. Bye,” I concluded, hung up the phone and turned back to Jill. “Well, I’ve got some bad news,” I began. She nodded her head as a sign for me to go on. The look in her eyes was priceless. I had never seen someone so unsure of the upcoming events that were to occur. I almost felt bad for doing this to her. ‘Oh well’ I thought and shrugged it off.
~*~*~*~Jill’s P.O.V~*~*~*~
I didn’t know what to expect. My mind was going in all sorts of directions, until my thoughts were interrupted.
“The manager of the hotel said that all of the cots were either being used or in the process of being cleaned.” He simply stated. He walked over towards me and took my chin in his hand. A look of matter came across his concerned face and into his eyes. “We don’t have to do anything you want to,” he uttered. A wave of relief spread over my body as my thoughts of impurity were replaced with comfort. I smiled back into his deep eyes.
“Alright. Well, we can sleep in the same bed. It’s fine with me. I just don’t want to do anything, um, extreme tonight.” I reasoned with him.
“That’s perfectly alright with me sweetie.” He glanced over at the clock and turned back to me. “It’s getting late. Actually, it already is late but you know what I mean. Do you want to hit the sack?” he suggested.
“Sure.” I agreed.
“Do you want to borrow a pair of shorts and a shirt to sleep in, since your still in your bathing suit and all?” he asked. I grinned at his thoughtfulness.
“Yeah, that’d be great.” I retorted. He walked over to his still unpacked suitcase and began sorting through his clothes. I closely watched him, just for the sake of watching. My eyebrows perked up as I saw an unfamiliar article of clothing. It looked like a tiger striped bra, but as I stretched my head up to get a better view he quickly closed the suitcase. He abruptly walked over towards me and handed me a pair of boxer shorts and an oversized t- shirt. He pointed to the door behind me.
“The bathroom is over there so you can change. I’m going to change out here and get into bed because I’m beat. See ya in a second honey.” He spoke. I gave a quick smile and made my way toward the bathroom. I entered and closed the door behind me, and slowly walked over to mirror. Looking into it, tears began to fill my eyes. Thinking about the fight earlier that evening, suspicions A.J. had another “love” in his life, and the pressure he gave me to have sex with him.
“Are you almost done in there babe?” I heard A.J. call from the other room. I hastily brushed away my tears.
“Yeah, I’m almost done,” I choked out. After that, I changed into the boxers and t- shirt and made my way to the door. I opened the door and was met with pitch black and a faint glow of light by the bed. My eyes followed the light as I made my way around invisible objects and towards the bed. I advanced to the edge of the bed and I could make out the silhouette of a strong man, otherwise known as A.J. He was writing something down, and this was the reason for the light. I crawled onto the opposite side of the bed and lay down.
“What are you writing?” I curiously asked.
“Well, I’m actually writing a song.” He responded, without looking up.
“Oh,” I replied.
“I wasn’t planning on writing a song, especially right now, but you just inspire me so much. I couldn’t let this opportunity pass.” He added. I grinned a smile that could turn the whole room bright. He always had something to say to make everything turn good
“I’m going to go to sleep now. Goodnight A.J.” I said, while adjusting the pillow beneath me and closing my eyes.
“Night baby. Have sweet dreams.” He said back as he continued to write. After that brief conversation, I abruptly fell into a deep sleep. Little did I know, as soon as A.J. noticed I was sleeping he put down his paper, glanced at his “song”, and read it out loud. It read: Pick up apples, cereal, milk, and pretzels at supermarket. He let out a short laugh and closed his eyes to catch some sleep.

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