New Life...New Love- Chapter 3

“Wait a second, why can’t we go in? We’re 18 too, just like tons of other people who are inside!” Lauren screamed. The two, not surprisingly, got into an argument.

“Lauren, it’s alright, we can just go somewhere else. I don’t mind,” I said, trying to calm her down, even though I was as mad as she was.

“Excuse me, but their with us,” a recongnizable voice cut in. We all turned around to find those beautiful blue eyes of none other than Justin.

“Oh, I’m sorry Mr. Timberlake. Go right ahead,” the ashamed bouncer apologizingly said.

“Wow, thanks…Mr. Timberlake. See you two in there!” Lauren said as she ran ahead of us.

“Anytime,” Justin replied.

“That was really nice of you to help us out like that. I really appreciate it.” I said as we walked closely into the club.

“Anything for you sweetie,” Justin said with a smile. ‘God she’s so hot!’ he thought to himself. “Why don’t you guys join us tonight? I knowed I’d be happier.” Justin asked.

“Sure, I’d be more than happy to,” I answered back, looking into his eyes ‘His blue eyes are sooooo sexy!’ I though to myself in awe. We then found JC, Joey, Lance, Chris, and Lauren, who had just joined them as well, sitting at a large table.

“So, who wants to get their groove thang on?” Joey asked in a crazy tone.

“Ooh, that’s all me,” Lauren said while grabbing Joey’s hand and pulling him onto the dance floor.

“Hey Jill, wanna go join them?” JC asked.

“Sure” I said, looking at Justin to see if he minded. He looked a little disappointed, but gave me an ‘OK’ expression on his face.

“Don’t worry, I’ll save a dance for you.” I told him while JC dragged me onto the dance floor. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Justin glowing with happiness.

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