New Life...New Love- Chapter 30

~*~3 hours later~*~
I moved closer to the edge of the bed as a hand dug into my back. Something started feeling my leg, and moved closer towards my body. My eyes shot open, as I remembered where I was. I looked around, and came face to face with a pair of brown eyes. Then, before I had a chance to say anything, I was surprised with a deep kiss. My eyes were still open in confusion, and I was hardly enjoying it. I pulled away from the kiss and tried to speak.
“A.J.-wait-A.J.” I spat out as I was met with another deep kiss. This time A.J. let his hands find a way around my body. I pushed his hands off me and tore away from the kiss. “A.J. stop!” My cries were nothing to him. He just keep kissing me and everything else that goes along with it. Finally, I shoved him off of me for good and got out of the bed.
“What is up with you?” A.J. called to me as he was pushed aside.
“A.J., I thought we agreed nothing was going to happen tonight?” I shouted back, trembling. He advanced off the bed and towards me, and his facial expression from anger changed to hurt.
“Baby, fine. We don’t have to do anything tonight Whatever. Just get back in the bed and we’ll go to sleep.” He soothed. Just then the phone rang. We both looked over to it.
“I’ll get it,” I answered, hoping it was Jill or someone who could understand. I briskly walked over to the ringing phone as A.J. looked in my direction. I picked up the phone.
“Hello?” I called into the telephone, almost pleading.
“Yes, this is Mr. Smith from next door. I was wondering if everything is alright because I heard yelling. Are you ok?” he asked.
“Yes, I am,” I responded.
“Ok, good bye then,” Mr. Smith replied, and I was followed with a click of the phone hanging up. Just then an idea shot through my head.
“And who is this? Really? And what are your relations with him? Oh, I see. Yeah, you too.” I lied into the dial tone. I hung up the phone and looked at A.J. “So, that was another woman on the phone AJ. Is there anything you need to tell me?” I asked, putting him on the spot. I noticed his shoulders slumped downwards and he let out a sigh.
“It was probably my sister,” he answered. I let out a short laugh.
“If that was your sister, I’m a little worried about the things you guys do in your family,” I responded, my voice lower in tone. A.J. started walking towards me, and stopped about two feet away.
“Baby, I’m sorry. There was another girl but I was planning on breaking up with her tonight because I discovered that I love you. You know I love only you,” he finished, filling the gap between us and wrapping me in a hug. I immediately pulled away. A.J. took this as a “sign” that I wanted to make out instead of hug. With that, he kissed me again. I turned my head and abruptly ended the kiss. His lips were still just inches away from mine.
“Don’t you ever touch me again. Don’t come near me, don’t call me, and don’t ever, EVER talk to me again,” I warned him in a low, monotone voice while walking towards the bathroom to change back into my clothes. I wanted to walk out right then and there but I needed all traces of A.J. off and away from me. His head was shaking back and forth as he began to laugh, and the bathroom door was slammed in his face.
“Are you serious? Are you for real? Do you know how many girls would love to be in your place now?” he yelled through the door. I quickly pulled off A.J.’s boxers he had lent me and put on my denim shorts.
“Shut up A.J., your giving me a headache,” I replied.
“I cannot believe you. You know what you are? You are a horrible actress, a terrible friend, and an overall prude bitch!” he yelled. Fury and hate was building within me now. I was leaving this hotel room right now, even if I was still wearing A.J.’s shirt and a pair of shorts. I opened the door and fleetly walked to the front door.
“If you walk out that door you can never come back in,” he warned. I stopped mid pace and turned towards him.
“You won’t have to worry about that A.J. I will never come back into this room ever again. Oh, and by the way. I think I know what A.J. stands for- A Jerk? Absolute Jackass? Feel free to add onto the list anytime now.” I replied, while rotating around and walking straight out the door. I was met with the slamming of the door behind me. I ran towards the elevator and waited for the doors to open. As I waited, thoughts of hatred ran through my mind. The doors opened and I entered the empty elevator. Before I knew it, I was downstairs in the lobby. During my promenade towards the door, I noticed it was raining outside. ‘Just my luck’ I thought. Luckily, the lobby was empty, since it was about 4:45 a.m., and no one was around to see me in this state of mind. I walked out the door and felt the cool rain penetrate my body. I walked for about three minutes along the sidewalk, still in a daze. My clothes were now completely soaked, as was my hair and the rest of me. Where was I going to go? I couldn’t go back to Lauren’s house, not after the fight. Just then something hit me. I stopped walking and hit my head in stupidity.
“Justin was right! I cannot believe how naďve I was being. He’s never going to talk to me again,” I said out loud, letting the tears invade my eyes and roll down my already wet cheeks. I needed to sit down somewhere and sort through my problems. I looked around and spotted a nearby bench close to a vast park.

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