New Life...New Love- Chapter 31

"Justin, you have to calm down and get some sleep. Your pacing is burning innumerous holes in Lauren's rug," Jc sleepily called to Justin from the living room couch. "Jill will be alright. She's a big girl and can take care of herself," he added. A desperate sigh was heard from Justin's direction before he parted his lips to speak.
"I know, I know. But did you hear A.J.? God! What can't she see through him!" Now it was Jc's turn to let a sigh escape his lips.
"Justin, you have to chill out. Get some sleep and we'll all see Jill tomorrow morning and she'll be perfectly fine and in one piece," he replied, while rolling over under his blankets. Justin turned to look out the window at the serene rain as he closed his eyes.
"I hope so…"
About an hour went by since the argument I had with A.J., and I was still sitting outside in the pouring rain in the middle of a semi-familiar park. My clothes were sticking to me soaking wet, and my saturated hair was matted down on my face. What would I do now? Where could I go? A frown replaced my already smug face as I knew where I could and should go- back to Lauren's house. I picked my tired, worn out self off the bench and began the walk of a little more than a few blocks to the house. Luckily as I sauntered down the barren streets, the rain turned to light drizzle. I picked up my pace when I began to uncontrollably sneeze and cough. Just what I needed, to become sick. As my steps quickened I came in view of Lauren's house, with my sneezes continuing to flow. My pace turned into a jog, which soon turned into a run. My tired legs felt like stone as I tried to make my way across the street and onto the cold sidewalk. I looked up at the house as I came to a stop, and was met with the terrified eyes Justin. As I looked at him and saw the concern and terror in his eyes, my own eyes began to fill with tears. I realized at that moment, he was the one for me. He was looking out for me, he was caring about me. I wanted to be with Justin. Then, pulling me from my thoughts, he left the window. He left me, for good. And I couldn't blame him, after everything I said that night to him. But I needed Justin, I needed his help and to be held in his strong arms for eternity. I ruined that chance.
"No! Justin don't leave me!" I cried, falling to the saturated grass. My head fell into my hands as I let the tears freely escape my weary eyes. Through my sobbing, I heard a door open in the distance.
"Jill! What happened?! What…why…who did this to you? If it was A.J, I swear to god I will hurt him like he's never been hurt before," he gently-yet powerfully- said out loud while putting a firm hand on my shoulder.
"Don't leave me Justin, please," I begged, grasping his shoulders with my trembling hands. His arms encircled me as he pulled me up.
"I will never leave you Jill, you know that," he replied, with his arms still around me. As he spoke, his eyes stared deep into mine, as I did the same to his soulful blue eyes. He began to lean in towards me, and I noticed his eyes kept darting down to my mouth.
"Jill, oh my gosh what happened to you?" a female voice called from the distance. Our gaze parted as I turned to see a worried Lauren. Justin's arms released from around my waist and he took a deep breath. Lauren gave me a quick hug and turned to me with a 'what in the world happened to you' look.
"Your freezing your butt off Jill, explain what happened. And where's A.J?" Lauren cluelessly asked. I grimaced at the mention of A.J.
"Can we go inside, and then I'll explain everything?" I asked through shivers; it was still drizzling outside and extremely cold.
"Sure, let's get you inside," she ordered, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

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