New Life...New Love- Chapter 32

"Thanks Lance," I replied, taking the warm hot chocolate in my hands. "And that's how I got here," I concluded after finishing the never-ending saga called A.J. I looked up from the brown liquid and took note of the shocked, yet amicable facial expressions spread across each of my five friends.
"Jill, I'm so sorry all of this happened. If any of us knew he was trouble, than this would've never happened," Jc sympathetically said. Justin looked up at Jc's words and stared in shock.
"I knew he was trouble, and I tried to warn you Jill. None of this would of happened if you had just listened to me." Justin quietly, yet sternly spoke. I closed my eyes, letting the truth sink in.
"I-I know Justin. I just thought he was different. I've been in a lot of bad relationships this year and I just wanted this one to turn out differently." I opened my eyes and let my eyes wander around the brightened room. The sun was coming up and shone through the windows, casting light on various places. I continued. "I just didn't want to believe that A.J. was capable of having that power over me. Having the power to make me only see good, and not see the flaws that were visible to the rest of the world. And I sure as hell will not make the same mistake again, you can have my word on that."
"Good Jill. Well, I say we forget about that tattooed jerk and look into the future," Joey simply said.
"What do you mean?" Lance asked in curiosity, raising an eyebrow in his direction.
"What I mean is, I think we should have a day of fun and forget about that skinny loser for a long time," he answered in his usual light-hearted tone.
"You sound oh-so convincing honey" Lauren said sarcastically. I let out a short laugh.
"Well Joe, I wish it was as easy as it sounds," I replied, letting a smile creep across my face.
"Of course it is! We could go to…um…any ideas guys?" Joey asked looking around the room for a little help. His answer? A bunch of shrugs and I don't knows.
"I have a good idea!" Lauren called, slapping Joey frantically in the leg. "Jill, how about I take you for a day at the spa? Now that's relaxing, and fun. How about it?" she excitedly asked. I had to laugh at this picture. There was Lauren jumping up and down like a maniac, hitting Joey's leg, and Joey sitting was just sitting there with a confused face staring up at Lauren like a little lost puppy.
"What? What's so funny?" Lauren asked, now officially joining Joey in the world of the lost. As I continued to burst into laughter, smiles from around the room appeared.
"That's the Jill we remember and love," Jc gladly, and somewhat relieved, said.
"Yay! She's back! Jill we missed you!" Chris wildly shouted as he ran over to me and began tickling me to death.
"No…Chris…stop…help me…Justin!" I cried out began giggles.
"Your wish is my command," Justin responded as he fleetly raced over towards the pile of us.
"Get…. off…oh my gosh I'm gonna…pee my….pants…," I shouted out for all to hear as I contagiously laughed. "Noooo! Justin ouch! I will never stop!" Chris called as he was pulled off me. My laughter stopped as the room fell silent. I glanced around and noticed the evil grins of five people with plans.
"Ok you guys…I'm going to get dressed…," I quickly said, before darting off the couch and heading to the stairs.
"Get her!" Justin called after my running body. Just then, five bodies chased after me.
"Ahhhh! No you guys!" was all I could manage out before being buried in an 'N Sync-Lauren sandwich. "I will find revenge! Trust me…I will!" I shouted while being tickled like I had never been tickled before.

~*~*~*~Later that Afternoon~*~*~*~

"A little to the left….a little more…oh yeah, that's the spot" Lauren instructed the masseuse as we both lay getting our full body massages. "Would you mind teaching my boyfriend this? Your lucky I'm taken or I'd be all over you right now," she informed the handsome masseuse. "So Jill, what's going on with you and Justin now that you-know-who is out of the picture?"
"I-I don't know. I'm sure he wants nothing to do with me in a more-than-friends way now. I mean, if I were him that's how I would feel. I basically turned him away when he was trying to warn me about…you know…the walking facial hair," I explained.
"But he were in your position, I'm sure he would've done the same." Lauren informed me.
"Oh thanks Laur; that makes me feel so much better," I sarcastically said.
"You know what I mean!" she shifted under the hands of the masseuse. "When your in love, nothing else matters. The world around you stops and all that matters is the one returning your devotion. I hate to state a cliché, but love is blind and sometimes it takes its tolls." As I took everything in, I realized there was more to what Lauren was saying that I think she meant. Somehow, I understood that she wasn't talking about A.J. anymore….she was directing this towards Justin, which was something I needed to do with myself.

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