New Life...New Love- Chapter 4

A few fast songs played and JC and I were dancin’ the night away and having a blast, even though I couldn’t wait for a slow song to come on because all I wanted was to be held in Justin’s arms. A few songs later, Lance, Chris and Justin had joined the rest of us on the dance floor and we were all dancing together. Then, to my luck, a slow song, which sounded extremely familiar came on. I looked around for Justin because I guess he had sat the previous song out. ‘Where is he?’ I thought. ‘Lying in your arms, so close together….’ The song played. Just then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to find Justin.

“Is this the dance you saved for me?” he asked in a sweet way.

“Well…..” I said leading him on.

“Even if it’s not…may I have this dance?” he asked, extending his hand out for me to take.

“You certainly may,” I replied smiling. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I put my hands on his shoulders. He pulled me closer and we just stared into each other’s eyes. ‘Now I know where I’ve heard this song, it was the one by that new group ‘N Sync’ I thought to myself, as Justin hummed the song aloud in a quiet voice.

“Justin, have you heard this song before?”

“You could say that,” he answered with a smirk on his face.

“What’s so funny?” I asked in a playful tone.

“Nothing…really,” Justin lied. Somehow, I felt that Justin wasn’t telling me everything, but it didn’t matter. As I wrapped up my thoughts, the song ended and we smiled at each other.

“Jill?” I heard Lauren call, “Can you come here for a minute?”

“Sure, I’ll be right back,” I told Justin as we pulled apart and I walked slowly away towards Lauren.

“Hey Justin, they played our song man!” Chris said in an excited voice as the other guys moved towards him.

“Do you guys think Jill and Lauren know who we are?” Lance asked the four others.

“I hope not…at least I hope Jill doesn’t,” Justin worriedly said.

“Why not?”

“Because I really think I’m starting to like her. I mean, she’s not like other girls, she’s different-for the better. I’m afraid if she found out who we are, she’ll treat us, and me, differently”

“Ooo, sounds like Justin has his eye on someone,” Joey taunted.

"When does he not?" Chris joked back, lightly punching Justin in the shoulder.

“I’m serious, I really like her,” he replied with his eyes lowered.

“Ok, if that’s how you feel Justin then we won’t tell Jill,” JC responded.

“What about me?” I asked looking at JC after hearing my name.

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