New Life...New Love- Chapter 5

“Oh, um, I just wanted to know if, um….you and Lauren wanted to come over to our house now…if you’re bored here that is,” JC quickly covered up. “Sure,” Lauren answered for both of us. “But just one more dance?” “Agreed,” Chris said. With that Lauren went back out to the dancefloor and was followed by the guys. “Jill, are you coming?” Lance asked. “Nah, I’m gonna sit this one out.” I answered. “Want some company?” Justin asked. “Yeah, that’d be nice.” Justin and I sat down across from each other at the table. ‘Ah, those blue eyes again’ I just couldn’t get enough of them! I guess Justin noticed me staring because he smiled at me. “What?” he said. “You’re eyes are gorgeous,” I told him. “Really….well, their not as gorgeous as you are. That’s a fact.” Justin said. ‘Awe!’I thought.

“Thanks” We continued to talk to each other and flirt and by the time the rest of the guys came back from dancing, the two of us knew a lot about each other.

“Ready to go?” Lauren asked. A series of ‘yeahs and yesses’ arouse from the group. We walked out of the club and I noticed how close Lauren and Joey had gotten.

“I think Lauren has a crush on your friend,” I told Justin, who was closely walking next to me.

“I don’t think she’s the only one who has a crush,” he said to me while taking my hand into his.

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