New Life...New Love- Chapter 6

“Ok, how should we do this,” JC asked. Since Lauren and I didn’t know how to get to their house, we needed to split up.

“I’ll go with Joey in our car,” Lauren blurted out. We all looked at her and laughed. Her face then turned a tomato red color.

“Sounds good to me!” Joey said wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

“Ok, how about I’ll go with them and the rest of you guys can go in Justin’s car?” Lance suggested.

“Oh no, I’m stuck with you again Justin!” I playfully said.

“That’s right, I’m not going anywhere.” We walked over to his car and it was sooooo nice!

“Wow, your car is really nice,” I said in awe.

“Thanks.” Justin got in the driver’s seat, I sat in the passengers seat, and JC and Chris were in the back. We pulled out of the parking lot and Justin turned the radio on. ‘…and no matter what I do I feel the pain, with or without you’ a upbeat song played. JC and Chris gave each other these looks like they were telling each other something and Chris kicked Justin’s seat. Justin was overcome with an uneasy look.

“What’s wrong?” I worriedly asked.

“I’m fine, don’t worry about me,” he nervously replied. ‘That was ‘Tearin’ Up My Heart’ by those five guys, Chris, Lan’

“Enough of that station,” Justin said, quickly turning off the radio like he was trying to hide something. He then sped up in a hurry to get to the house. ‘What is wrong with him?’

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