New Life...New Love- Chapter 7

“Justin, why are you going so fast?” I worriedly asked.

“I, um, my foot slipped sorry about that,” he replied

“Really? Are you sure?” Chris loudly asked.

“YES!” For the rest of the car ride, we were all silent. We got out to find my car already there.

“I guess Joey, Lauren, and Lance are here already,” I said while waiting for Justin to come around from his side of the car. I guess Chris noticed me waiting for Justin because he nodded his head in JC’s direction that told him to hurry inside so we could be alone. With that, they walked quickly through the front door of the beautiful, large house. I turned towards Justin, who had just gotten out of the car.

“Justin, are you sure your alright?” I calmly asked him.

“Yes, I’m sure,” he said reaching for my hands. He pulled me towards him and I rested my head on his chest.

“I’m so glad I met you tonight,” I said.

“Me too, I’ve met many girls, but your different. None of them compare to you,” he said, taking my head in his hands. The next thing I knew I felt his smooth lips upon mine. I ran my hands through his curly hair. About 3 minutes later, we pulled apart and were both smiling.

“Ready to go in,” he asked me.

“Yeah,” Justin scooped me up into his arms and he carried me to the front door and put me down.

“Thanks for the, uh, lift,” I said jokingly.

“Ladies first,” Justin said holding the door open for me.

“Thank you,” I replied walking through the door. Justin closely followed behind, shutting the door, and quickly wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

“Hey, there you guys are,” Lauren said. I noticed she was sitting on Joey’s lap.

“What took so long?” Chris asked with this weird smile across his face. “By the way Justin, I really like that color on you,” I looked at Justin, who was beet red, and he had my lipstick on his lips. Justin figured it out and wiped his lips with the back of his hand.

“So…um….how was the ride home Joey?” Justin quickly asked trying to change the subject. No answer. “Joey…..hello? Anyone home?”

“Face it, their in love,” Chris jokingly said. ‘He’s not the only one’ Justin thought.

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