New Life...New Love- Chapter 8

“Oh, what’d you say Lance?” Joey confusedly asked.

“I didn’t say anything, but Justin asked how the ride home was,” Lance half laughing said.

“Oh, the ride home was great!” Joey said pulling Lauren closer towards him.

“Yeah…, it was great,” Lauren added in a dreamy tone of voice.

“It could’ve been better if those two weren’t all over each other,” Lance commented under his breathe. The rest of us sat down on the huge leather couch and on the floor. I closely sat next to Justin on the couch, JC was in a reclining chair, Joey and Lauren hadn’t moved an inch, and Lance and Chris were on the floor. We started talking among our selves while JC had turned on the television to MTV. No one was really paying attention to the TV so he turned down the volume so you could barely hear it.

“Joey, would you show me a tour of the house?” Lauren asked, even though we could all tell she was hinting towards something else.

“Sure!” he answered, taking her by the hand and walking with her towards another room and making sure to close the door behind themselves.

“Ok, I don’t even need to try and guess what their doing in there,” Chris cracked. I then heard a familiar song, ‘Why didn’t I know it…..’; the same song I heard earlier in the night when Justin had gotten all nervous and anxious. I looked over to the television and saw a picture I would never forget, it was Justin, Chris, Joey, Lance, and JC inside some sort of padded room. I quickly stood up. ‘They were ‘N Sync?’ I thought.

“What’s wrong Jill?” Justin curiously asked. I looked over at the TV once again and the four guys in the room followed my eyes and looked at the TV too.

“Oh no…”

“What’s going on???” I asked. ‘Did I really hook up with Justin Timberlake? How come I didn’t recognize them? How could I be so stupid!’ was all I could think.

“Just sit down, please, and then I’ll explain everything,” Justin nervously begged me.

“What’s wrong?” Lauren said. I guess she had heard a commotion out here and came back from her “tour” with Joey.

“They’re ‘N Sync,” I told her, still not believing it myself.

“Whoa, that’s pretty cool,” Lauren said. ‘That’s it? I thought ‘She doesn’t seem to surprised’ “I knew you guys looked familiar,”

“Hi this is John Norris with an MTV news brief, ‘N Sync’s blonde teen heartthrob Justin Timberlake and teen pop star Britney Spears and accordingly dating. Sources say they’ve been together for a while, but are trying to keep it hush hush….” The TV wailed. I gave a confused, hurt look at Justin.

“Wait, that’s not true, don’t believe it,” Justin pleaded.

“I don’t ever want to see your face or hear your voice again,” was all I could say. With that, I ran from the room in tears.

“I don’t believe you,” Lauren exclaimed in disbelief, then following after me out the door.

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