New Life...New Love- Chapter 9

“Wait, Jill!” Lauren called after me. She caught up and grabbed my arm, pulling me to a stop. I turned around and faced her, my face and eyes were red from my tears. She gave me a hug and tried to calm me down.

“Men, I know their dogs. You’re too good for him anyway,” She told me.

“I thought he was different. I took a chance, and look where it got me,” I sobbed. “I mean, it doesn’t upset me that he’s in ‘N Sync and famous, but how could he lie to me about that Britney girl? All I want to do is go home, ok?”

“Sure, let’s go.” She said, reaching in her pocket for the keys. “Uh oh, I think Lance still has the keys. I’ll be right back out, will you be ok?” she concerly asked.

“Yeah, as long as I don’t have to see Justin ever again,” I requested. Lauren then walked away from me and through the big front door. ‘Why does this always happen to me? I’m always cheated on. I was so stupid to believe what we had was real.’ My mind was jumbled with thoughts.
***Inside the House***
“Lauren, you’re back,” Joey happily exclaimed, jumping off the couch and wrapping her in a hug.

“Yeah, but only for our keys. I think you still have them Lance,” He walked over towards her and reached for the keys.

“Thanks, Joey I really want to see you again,” Lauren said.

“I feel the same way, here’s my number,” Joey said quickly writing it down on a spare piece of paper.

“Here’s mine too,” Lauren said quickly doing the same, smiling from ear to ear. They exchanged numbers and Lauren took one final look at the group. “Wait, where’s Justin?”

“He went outside to talk to Jill,” Chris explained.

“Oh no…” Lauren exclaimed.
*** Back Outside ***
‘Where is she’ I said to myself. I then heard a noise from behind Justin’s Mercedes. There, I heard it again. I looked around, but didn’t see anything. It was probably Lauren, trying to play some stupid joke on me. Then, before my eyes I saw a tall, dark figure. It wasn’t Lauren. The dark figured started moving closer to me. I did what came naturally to me, I ran. I heard the figure running behind me. I didn’t know where I was going, but where ever it was I needed to get there fast. I heard the person gaining on me and then it grabbed me and I fell to the ground.

“Somebody help me!” I shouted into the darkness.

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