True Love- Chapter 1

"So then we went to the baggage claim and a girl was standing there with my bag. She was like,'Is this yours'?" Justin Timberlake said while laughing. The five guys from *N Sync were hanging out at their Orlando home. With them was JC's girlfriend, Florette Mills. She and JC had met awhile back when the guys had and interview at the radio station she worked at.
"I'm so glad we're back! Europe was getting really boring," Lance said with a sigh. A soft snore came from across the room.
"Well would you look at that! Mr. Sleepy is at it again," Chris remarked.
"Guys while we wait for JC to wake up, why don't we go jet skiing? Not many people are out today," Joey pleaded with the guys.
"I don't know if I want to. I'm kinda tired too," Flo said leaning closer to JC.
"Floee! Please! It wouldn't be the same without you!" Joey sad grinning.
"Fine. I'll go, I'll go." ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
"See-ya later Joey and Lance!" Justin called as Lance and Joey got out of his Mercedes M Class. The guys had just gotten done with a grueling dance rehearsal. Flo spent the night alone in Chris, JC, and Justin's house. Her best friend, Emma Le'Olsen had just called. Flo was still thinking about what she had said. Emma wanted to know when Flo and JC were getting married. "I don't know!" Flo thought," I can't even see JC asking me! Besides, we've only been going out for.... two years! Wow! Oh well, time for bed." Flo shut her eyes and settled into the soft couch. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
"Boy am I tired!" JC said yawning.
"When aren't you tired JC?" Justin asked. Justin, JC and Chris were almost home. Chris was sound asleep.
"Do you think Flo was mad at me?" JC asked softly.
"No way man! She's a pretty understanding chick. And besides, she knew what she was getting into when you guys got together. Flo loves you too much to beak up with you over something like this," Justin said reassuringly as he turned into their driveway. "Look,she's still here too! Told ya."
"I hope she didn't wait up for me. Cause I am so beat,"JC said opening the car door.
"Yeah and I hope Mom isn't showing Flo my baby pictures. Oh no! Quick, inside! Chris! Wake up!"Justin exclaimed running inside. "Mom you..." Justin paused to see Flo asleep on the couch.
"JC come here. But be quiet," Justin whispered. JC walked into the room quietly.
"What's up?" JC asked. Then he glanced at the couch. "Hey, she didn't have to sleep on the couch. I was worried about nothing." JC sighed.
"Well, J and I are gunna hit the sack," Chris said as Justin followed him up the stairs. JC walked over to the couch. He kneeled down by Flo.
"Flo, I'm sorry our relationship has to be this way. I love you and I hope you understand that. Good night." JC planted a soft kiss on Flo's forehead. "I love you." JC walked up the stairs.

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